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2018-01-02 S.B. min. Exec.Sess.

Town of Princeton, Mass. – January 2, 2018 – 2 PM
Selectboard – Executive Session Minutes – Town Hall Annex

Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

Classification & Compensation Study  5:05 PM  Selectboard took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session.
        Discussion continued on the Classification & Compensation report by the Collins Center and Nina described the step schedule proposed within it. Board members were trying to understand the basis for 15 steps, as opposed to six or seven, for instance. Group agreed that Richy and Nina would speak with Collins Center about it.
        Richy left at 5:20 PM
Adjourn 5:25 PM  Selectboard closed the executive session with Edith making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon and Edith and each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, town administrator

Selectboard Referenced Documents:  Classification & Compensation Study November 2017.