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2018-11-14 S.B. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– November 14, 2018 – 6:00 PM – Town Hall Annex
Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan w/ student member Kimberly Union and TA Nina Nazarian.

6 PM  Richy opened the meeting.

Minutes – The Selectboard voted to approve minutes of Oct. 30 and Nov. 7 (at Town Buzz) but not release the Executive Session minutes from Oct. 30. Richy abstained from the approval of the October 30th meeting, given that he was not in attendance.

Public Comment – There were no members of the public in attendance.

Facilities Steering Committee Phase II Charge – The board discussed the draft charge proposed by the FSC Phase II. Several minor edits were incorporated for clarity and to make the style consistent. The group agreed that the focus should remain strictly on public safety (i.e. not considering extra uses for the Princeton Center site) and not phase the work between fire and police, given potential cost additions. Karen reported on the FSC II members and how they are reviewing the architectural firm (JWA) which was used for the project. Two members are meeting with JWA on Nov. 26.

ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to adopt the revised charge, as amended including the stated intentions, and notify the FSC Phase II of the revised charge.

Review Status of FY’19 Goals  6:25 PM – A list of the Selectboard’s FY’19 goals were reviewed. Most items have been initiated. The only ones not yet addressed were the “medical response” (in collaboration with the fire and police chiefs) to establish a plan for a more rapid response for medical calls; “long-term strategic thinking/planning” (best practices in the separation of duties between the Selectboard and T.A.); and, “long-term financial planning” (to be initiated by T.A. after budget and Capital Improvement Plan have begun). Group decided to aim for a December meeting with the Fire and Police Chiefs regarding medical response and address long-term strategic thinking at the first meeting in January.

Rural Commonwealth’s request for letters of support – The Board agreed not to take any action, given timing and unfamiliarity of the organization by the office of one of our legislators.

Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) – Board members considered a contract by the Collins Center to improve our CIP to be more comprehensive. This contract includes the previously completed budget narrative.

ACTION: The Selectboard voted to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the contract, once approval has been confirmed by the Division of Local Services that the town’s 1st Community Compact grant can be transferred back to a CIP.

Questions by Environmental Action Committee – The board had received a list of technical questions relating mostly to municipal energy use and fuel consumption. Two EAC members were present, Corey Burnham-Howard and Phoebe Moore. The charge of the Committee is to create an environmental action plan for Princeton. The EAC researched plans of other, larger towns. Answers to their questions will help them find out what actions are already in place or if it’s never been done. For instance, a cost-benefit analysis could be done on the replacement of furnaces/boilers. The board explained that the town had few resources available to follow through on the list, specifically, staff time. Richy noted that it may be useful to know what the EAC recommendations are even if the town cannot implement them for lack of funds/staff time. The group suggested that the EAC prioritize the items on the list, so that the answers could be provided when possible, considering resource constraints.

Limit to when items can be added to the agenda  6:50 PM – The board discussed Edie’s proposal to limit new items from other boards or individuals, that they not be added to the agenda less than 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The group agreed that only urgent items approved by the chair and/or town administrator, can be added within 24 hours. The group also agreed that taking action is not desirable with less than 24-hour notice. This would not include administrative actions proposed by the town administrator (e.g. already reviewed contracts for authorization to sign).

Council on Aging Sonoma space update – We have been informed that the preliminary cost for renovation is around $140,000 - $150,000 based on submitted proposals by Post Office Place’s management company vendors. The original estimate was $80,000 - $90,000. Town representatives will meet with the management company and owner of the building on Nov. 20 to discuss the costs/revise as needed and conduct a final walk-through.

Discussion on usage of Community Center space – The group agreed that the first priority for the use of the space is for seniors, followed by town staff/committees and boards. Certain private groups have a vested interest, such as Princeton Art Association which currently pays rent for space. Nina reported that the Historical Society is not interested as the site does not fit their needs (for museum space). All agreed that a calendar be created to block out space as requested, within these priorities. Group discussed the need to develop fees for use of space by private organizations and a survey may be warranted from other towns to see how that is handled.

Inspector of Buildings Position Classification – The current wage range per hour for the Inspector of Buildings & Building Inspector jobs are $20.11 to $26.53 in Grade G and finding applicants has been a challenge. The Collins Center reviewed the classification of the Inspector of Buildings and recommend that the classification be changed.

ACTION: The board voted to establish an Inspector of Buildings position in Grade H having a wage range per hour of $24.13 to $31.82, under the Town’s Classification and Compensation Plan, and authorize the T.A. to create a job description using comparable position descriptions, and re-post the position.

Sale of Cemetery Lots – Nina had listed requests for cemetery lots, including one from the Gleason’s, who are residents of Connecticut. Mr. Gleason’s parents lived in Princeton on Ball Hill Road and one or both of them has passed and requested to be buried in Princeton.

ACTION: The board voted to sell lot 142 at West Cemetery for $400.00 to Mr. Richard and Ms. Marcia Wiles and lot 87c at South Cemetery for $400.00 to Mr. Roger and Ms. Sharon Gleason.


Krashes Field - Nina and Richy reported on a request for information from Mr. Ted Goodnow about the maintenance of Krashes Field and fieldhouse, as there may be an agreement about who is responsible for what maintenance. There are no conditions attached to the deed, nor any such reference in the Town Meeting approval of the property donation to the town.

Echo Lake as fire pond at Wachusett Mtn. – A response letter from DCR to the Fire Chief was shared, where DCR agreed to review the proposal to pipe water from Echo Lake in a gravity feed down to Mountain Road and a street hydrant. DCR indicated that they would follow up with the Town in the future.

Chicopee Watershed Discovery Meetings – A letter from FEMA regarding the Chicopee Watershed Discovery Meetings was included in the packet. As you will see at the start of the information, Nina has sent Conservation Commission Chair Brian Keevan a note to see if he or someone on the Conservation Commission would be willing to spearhead this subject.
Town Administrator’s Reports – Nina reported that Charter has connected some residents to cable on the new fiber-optic system and of 215 households on the initial list of installations, about 110 have installation times scheduled.
        She also noted that town counsel needs to raise their hourly rate from $145 to $175. The board agreed to the amount but questioned the timing. Nina will ask them to make the rate change for the new fiscal year, FY’20, at the end of June.
        There was some discussion about a problem with erosion and water flow from work completed off the rear hillside at 30 Mountain Road, owned by Dr. Dan Ervin. It appears to be causing water to be flowing in new directions to several abutting properties on Prospect Street and the homeowners have complained to town officials. As this is a private property matter, the town need not get involved. In attempting to assist the property owners the town received a public records request of any correspondence related to the complaints by Dr. Ervin’s attorney John Flick.

Executive Session 7:45 PM

Edie moved and Karen seconded to go into executive session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A. Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel, Police Chief and Personnel Policy Employees, and to return to open session. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Karen voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”.


Return to regular session  7:57 PM

FY’20 Budget Guidance to Departments, including decisions relating to wages for Personnel Policy Employees –  The board agreed to providing departments the following FY’20 wage guidance: each department head with employees covered under the Classification & Compensation plan shall incorporate into their FY’20 budget a 2% increase (equivalent to a step increase), unless their wage was already at or near the top step. For employees at or near the top step/wage, only the difference remaining, if any, would be increased for FY’20.

ACTION: The board voted to reaffirm the results of the Classification & Compensation plan, proposing an increase in wages to each employee, who is not already at the top step, a 2% increase for FY’20.

The Selectboard also reaffirmed its previous decision to issue guidance to Departments to provide a “level-funded” FY’20 budget for this year’s budget process. The level-fund would be the bottom line of each department.

Meeting Adjourned  8:10 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assistant

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Facilities Steering Committee Phase II charge; List of the Selectboard’s FY’19 goals; contract by the Collins Center for CIP; questions from the Environmental Action Committee; proposal by Edie regarding a limit to when items can be added to the agenda; letters about F.D. plan for Echo Lake; Chicopee Watershed Discovery Meetings letter.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department