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2018-09-13 SB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– Sept. 13, 2018 – 8:30 AM – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan.

8:30 AM  Meeting called to order.

Communication Plan – Karen passed out an updated draft of the communication to be edited. Since it includes all the Selectboard (S.B.) goals, the SB decided to review the goals as part of the review of the document. Minor edits were proposed for the goals and the communication in question.

ACTION – All voted in favor to accept the letter to townspeople subject to the minor edits suggested and to distribute it per the communication plan.

ACTION – All voted in accept the S.B. goals subject to the minor edits suggested.

Upcoming communications – The S.B. then discussed possible topics for upcoming communications. Some of the ideas were:

Fire equipment
Fire Department structure
Strategy for fighting fires
Charter - what is up? schedule? equipment? offerings?
Marijuana in town
Property assessment process
Budget making process
School funding~~

The board tentatively chose school funding for the next communication and Karen volunteered to draft an initial version.~Richy offered to talk to Nina about some sort of an open town hall forum where residents could discuss issues with the SB. The thought was that it would be mostly a listening session.

The S.B. discussed the schedule for upcoming communications meetings and decided that unless something else comes up, the next communication meeting would be Oct 4th at 8:30 AM.

Adjourn 9:14 AM

Respectfully submitted, Karen Cruise, Selectboard member

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Goals letter to townspeople; draft goals list.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department