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2018-09-06 S.B. min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Goal Setting Meeting Minutes
– September 6, 2018 – 4:00 PM – Harrington Farm
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

4:10 PM  Richy opened the meeting at Harrington Farm.

Using the goals outlined at the July 25th Selectboard meeting and the context provided by each member in advance as assigned at the July 25th meeting, the Selectboard and Town Administrator began reviewing each draft goal, line by line finalizing the wording of each goal.

5:30 PM  The Selectboard considered whether or not Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) programming available through the cable TV franchise license with Charter should be added to the list of goals. The board agreed that the current listing of goals was extensive and given that there was more time to consider the multi-faceted aspects of this subject, it should be considered at a later date (once Charter service was available and other goals were underway, possibly when the Selectboard reviews progress on the goals). The Selectboard further discussed the frequency of reviewing the goals, agreeing on reviewing them quarterly.

ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to accept the following goals:

Town-wide Broadband Initiative

The Selectboard and Town Administrator will continue to work with Charter Communications to bring internet and broadband services to all residents.~

East Princeton Village Improvement Project
This project involves the reconstruction of about 1.2 miles of Route 140 centered around the Historic Village of East Princeton. The purpose of the project is to improve safety for the residents and the traveling public as well as to restore the Historic character of the Village.   The Selectboard and Town Administrator will work with the Road Advisory Committee to ensure that all legal requirements are met to obtain rights of way and obtain bids on the project.  The Town will provide updates regarding construction and other related issues.

Building Stabilization Projects
At the 2018 annual town meeting, voters approved funds for needed repairs for Bagg Hall, the Town Annex and the existing Public Safety Building.  The Selectboard and Town Administrator, working with employees and perhaps some townspeople, will start this work.

Develop and Begin Implementation of a Communications Plan

The Selectboard would like to do a better job of communicating with townspeople. It will create a formal communications plan covering means and desired frequency of communications. The Selectboard will begin more regular communications with the townspeople.

New Public Safety Building

Establish a new committee to make recommendations on how to move forward with the public safety complex need. The Selectboard & Town Administrator, along with the support of the Facilities Steering Committee Phase II, would then bring these recommendations to a special town meeting.

Medical Response

The Selectboard & Town Administrator, in collaboration with the Fire Chief and Police Chief, will meet and prepare a plan including budget and timeline (as needed) for the purpose of establishing a more rapid response for medical calls within the town.

Sale of Mechanics Hall

Establish a new committee to research and recommend any restrictions to be placed on the sale of the property. The committee is also asked to develop a description of the property and research methods by which the town can lawfully sell the property. Once complete, the Selectboard will vote the final terms and conditions of the sale, and the Town Administrator will begin the process to advertise the property.  

Sell Unused Property

The Selectboard and Town Administrator, working with a team of employees and, perhaps, representatives of one or more committees, will develop guidelines and materials for the sale process and will begin a methodical process of disposal of unused town property.

Increase Selectboard focus on long-term strategic thinking

The Selectboard & Town Administrator will evaluate best practices in the separation of duties between the Selectboard and Town Administrator, with the goal being to effect greater long-term strategic planning.

Teamwork – Selectboard, Town Administrator and Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee Review Committee recommended that the Selectboard, Town Administrator and Advisory Committee look for ways to improve their working relationship in order to more effectively serve the town. The Selectboard and Town Administrator will engage the Advisory Committee in discussions about effective roles for the Advisory Committee.

Begin Clarifying Roles & Responsibilities: Better Definition for Council on Aging and Council on Aging Director

The Selectboard and Town Administrator, working with the Council on Aging and the Council on Aging Director, will develop a formal Council on Aging committee charge that defines the roles and responsibilities of the Council. In addition, the Selectboard and Town Administrator will review and modify the job description of the Council on Aging Director as necessary to conform to the overall view of the relationship between the Council on Aging and the Council on Aging Director. The Selectboard and Town Administrator see this as a model to be applied to committees for clarifying roles.

Long-Term Financial Planning

The Selectboard and Town Administrator will continue the work initiated by the Ad-Hoc Financial Group, relating to long-term financial planning, to maintain an updated 5-year plan.

Add a Student to Selectboard as a Deliberating but Non-Voting Member

The Selectboard will announce the opportunity, review and select a student, and work to incorporate the student as fully as possible into the Selectboard.

Town Use of Sonoma Space at Post Office Place

The Selectboard and Town Administrator will continue to work to reach an agreement on the Sonoma space with the Post Office Place management team. Upon signing of a lease, the Town Administrator and Council on Aging Director will oversee the build-out of the space. While the space is under construction, the Selectboard and Town Administrator, working with the Council on Aging Director, will develop a policy on the non- Council on Aging use of the space.

Bagg Hall Renovation/Addition

The Selectboard recognizes that this is still an important need that should be addressed as soon as the board feels comfortable bringing it to the forefront. The Selectboard believes that a new Public Safety building must currently take priority.

The Selectboard supports the Friends of Bagg Hall in their fund-raising efforts.  These efforts will help the community understand what kind of financial support is available to assist the town in meeting future building needs.

Adjourn    5:42 PM              The Selectboard and Town Administrator had dinner, leaving the facility around 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Draft list of goals with context.