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2018-07-25 S.B. min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Goal Setting Meeting Minutes
– July 25, 2018 – 1:30 PM – Fire Station #2
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

1:37 PM  Richy opened the meeting in Fire Station #2.

Facilities Steering Committee Phase II – Based on an inquiry from an FSC Phase II member, the Board discussed whether or not to set the number of committee members (5 or 7 members). The Board agreed that they would not set the number of committee members at this time, until there was more clarity on the number of members anticipated. Nina reported that she had received questions on the date of the Special Town Meeting, reporting to inquirers that a date had not been set. The Board generally agreed that November is likely for the town meeting.  

Letter to residents re: What comes next for a new public safety building? (continued) – Karen presented a revised version of the letter. After reading it over, the group discussed and agreed on a few areas of the letter for revision. The Board agreed to allow Karen and Nina to finalize and send out the letter.

Goals Session #2 for FY19 – General goals agreed upon during the meeting:
  • Broadband
  • East Princeton Village
  • Three building stabilization projects
  • Develop communications plan – regular letters from SB to citizens
  • New Public Safety Building
  • EMT Training
  • Sell Mechanics Hall
  • Sell unused property
  • Increase SB focus on long-term strategic thinking
  • Define and improve relationship with AC
  • Better definition and focus for CoA and CoA Director
  • Continue work started by Ad-hoc financial group
  • Student member of SB
  • New space for Council on Aging (Sonoma)
The Board agreed to prepare context around each item and each person was assigned 2-4 items from the above list. Other potential goals presented included the following, which the group agreed to discuss in the future.
  • Bagg Hall schematic
  • Revise and consider if there are ways to reduce the “taxpayer burden”
  • Affordable and/or 55+ housing
Adjourn    3:35 PM

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

S.B. Referenced Documents:  List by Richy of goals potentially agreed upon;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department