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2018-07-23 S.B. min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– July 23, 2018 – 7:30 PM – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

Minutes – 7:30 PM  Richy opened the meeting and the board voted all in favor to approve minutes for July 9. With Richy abstaining, they voted to approve minutes of July 10.

Public Comment – Phil Gott asked if an update could be provided regarding the Route 140 project. Nina explained that the plans have been reviewed and accepted by MassDOT and that the project has gone out to bid.

Charter update – Edie will be attending a video demonstration in Worcester with Charter on Wednesday the 25th, as previously discussed and has asked John Rowell and John Kowaleski to attend. Nina has a call scheduled with Charter on the 26th.

Student Involvement/Attendance at Selectboard meetings – Karen suggested advertising that the Princeton Selectboard seeks a student (junior or senior in high school or any year in college) who lives in Princeton to join the Selectboard as a deliberating but non-voting member. The Board would value a younger perspective on issues of import to the town and hopes that the real-life town government experience would be of value to the student. This opportunity to get involved in town government will be posted on Town News, Next Door and The Landmark.

ACTION  7:45 PM:  S.B. voted all in favor to advertise the student position as a non-voting member of the S.B.

Communication Plan – S.B. members considered a plan submitted by Karen, aiming for communication with residents on a quarterly basis, using all viable media, such as attached or included in the COA newsletter; the annual town census mailing; library mailings; postings in public places around town and online. Content would include a variety of matters, for example, project updates (Route 140 project, cable, sale of Mechanics Hall, etc); upcoming issues (town meetings/elections, agendas and minutes and links to and physical locations of more information). No action was taken.

Letter to residents re: What comes next for a new public safety building? – The board reviewed a letter to residents, agreeing on the goal of getting information out to residents about the remaining need for a public safety building. Phil Gott said he perceives an undercurrent of mistrust of the town regarding past capital expenditures. Kathy Conway stated that by proposing a Special Town Meeting to fund the design of a public safety facility the S.B. was not listening to the voters, given that a new public safety building did not pass at the election. Board members explained that they didn’t initially support the large expense of a new public safety facility until they learned all the facts after the F.S.C. performed their work. The Board acknowledged that there may be residents who express their disagreement with a similar request being presented at a future town meeting, however that they felt responsible to continue to inform residents of the important need for a new public safety facility, and that by working on a design, some of the concerns expressed by residents could be fleshed out (e.g. total cost). Karen will edit the letter to be voted on by the Selectboard for distribution to town residents.

The Board discussed information submitted by Richy regarding a visit to the Bristol, VT fire station which was a 11,000 sq. ft. facility, costing $3.2 million. Karen pointed out that the property was built by a local businessman and was to be purchased by the town at a later date, and therefore probably was not subject to the prevailing wage law, and various procurement laws (i.e. owners project manager requirement, etc.).

Accept Resignation – Ed Sweeney forwarded an email noting his resignation from Parks and Recreation effective July 10th.

ACTION:  S.B. voted all in favor to accept resignation of Ed Sweeney from P&R Commission.

Board/Committee Appointments – The S.B. appointed several individuals for upcoming terms on a number of boards/committees, conditioned on all requirements being met for Ethics Commission and swearing in. The group agreed to refer new/unknown applicants to the respective committees so the S.B. could vote on their recommendations. These new individuals included Greg Miranda for the Cemetery Commission and Dianna Gubber Markley for the Board of health as a potential alternate. Given that the F.S.C. Phase II Committee was a new group, the Board agreed that individual members would speak with Noelani Chase who had applied for membership.

ACTION:  Board voted all in favor to appointment for one year on the Environmental Action Cmte. for Phil Gott; appointment for three-year term for Jesse Weeks on Zoning Board of Appeals; for three-year term appointed Paul Constantino on Cemetery Commission; for a term through December 31st on Facilities Steering Cmte. II, appointed Larry Todd, Rick McCowan, Richard Chase; for one-year term on IT Strategic Planning Committee appointed Patrick McGowan; for one-year term on Wachusett Earthday Cmte., appointed Arthur Allen III; for Council on Aging appointed Barbara Guthrie for one-year term, Wendy Pape and Michael Warren for three-year terms and Bill Andrysick as a non-voting, honorary member; for a three-year term on Parks & Rec Commission appointed Kelton Burbank adding the small town exemption under M.G.L. c. 268A, §20 for individuals holding two positions. On the Historical Commission, appointed Joyce Anderson as alternate and Carl Soderberg for one-year term. All appointments were voted contingent upon being sworn in, and the completion of the Open Meeting law and Municipal Ethics requirements as well as the return of a signed copy of receipt of the Town of Princeton’s Sexual Harassment Policy.

Assistant Town Clerk (as needed) position – Ginger Toll holds a position as the Administrative Assistant to the Building Department (and other departments) which can be combined with the Assistant Town Clerk position, making her the Assistant Town Clerk/Administrative Assistant. This would mean that she would have one pay rate, instead of two, which is a common practice. The financial impact of this would be approximately $3,200 per year taken from the FY19 Administrative Assistant Salaries line, and the FY19 Building Department Revolving account.

ACTION:  Board voted all in favor to appoint Ms. Ginger Toll to the position of Assistant Town Clerk, approve the “small town exemption” under M.G.L. c. 268A §20 to allow Ms. Toll to hold more than one position with the town as the Assistant Town Clerk, Administrative Assistant and Library Clerk, and combine the Assistant Town Clerk position with the Administrative Assistant position as presented.

State Primary Warrant, Vote & Sign – The state primary election is Tuesday, Sept. 4 with voting from 7 AM to 8 PM in the Annex.

ACTION:  Board voted all in favor to sign the warrant for the state primary election.

Correspondence – Board members received individual invitations to a Legislative & Candidates Reception by the North Central Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, September 20, 2018 from 5-7 PM at the Chocksett Inn in Sterling. Richy will attend and Karen and Edith are considering. Lt. Governor Polito sent a letter regarding the grants under the Community Compact. Nina suggested writing a thank you note back and also inquiring about the status of our invitation to Lt. Gov. Polito to tour our public safety facilities. Board agreed that Nina and Richy would send a note back.

Collins Center projects – The Board reviewed a letter by the Collins Center from last year which presented three projects intended to provide the Town with best practices: (1) Organizational Study of Financial Management Functions, (2) Development of More Detailed Annual Budget Document, and (3) High Level Review of Town Operations. Project 2 is complete and was posted to the Town’s website in advance of the recent annual town meeting. Nina sought feedback from the Board on Project 1 and suggested holding off on Project 3, as the funds would be better served if they were directed towards a Capital Improvements Plan. Group discussed related issues including the future role of Adv. Cmte. The Board was concerned with the timing of Project 1 as it related to being able to implement potential changes to the financial management function(s) of the Selectboard/Town Administrator/Advisory Committee, considering the timing of the budgeting process. The Board asked Nina for a full recommendation and will revisit the subject at a future meeting.

Town Administrator’s Reports:
Classification & Compensation Study – The board received a response letter from the Library regarding the $6,500 allocation for salaries and how it will be allocated.

Exhaust Evacuation System/Stabilization Projects  9:50 PM – Nina met with Chris Conway, Steve Mirick and Jim O’Coin and discussed the following projects, in order of start/completion: Exhaust Evacuation System to be installed at both fire stations for an approximate cost of $55k, followed by Public Safety Building/Annex Stabilization and finally Bagg Hall Stabilization projects.

Council on Aging Sonoma Space – Dave Cruise, Linda Farineau, and Jim O’Coin continue to work on this project and are close to getting a final floor plan completed. A draft lease agreement from the management company will be reviewed and sent to counsel.

Council on Aging Director Update – Interviews/screening process is progressing well and a recommendation should be offered for the next regular Selectboard meeting.

Senior Tax Work Off program – A list of positions/tasks is being finalized, ranging from office work to landscape/gardening. The program will be advertised before the next meeting of the Selectboard, and the process will begin to screen applicants.

Executive Session 9:55 PM – Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A. Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel – fire chief and police chief. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Karen voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”


Meeting Adjourned 10:53 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Outline for soliciting Student Involvement/Attendance at Selectboard meetings; Draft S.B. Communication Plan from Karen C.; Draft letter to residents on What’s next?; Ed Sweeney’s resignation from Parks and Recreation; Applications, resumes and chart of board/committee appointments; Application & resume from Ginger Toll; invitations to a Legislative & Candidates Reception; Community Compact Letter by Lt. Governor Polito; Collins Center letter; letter from the Library;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department