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2018-07-09 SB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– July 9, 2018 – 7:30 PM– Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

Minutes – 7:30 PM  Richy opened the meeting in the Town Hall Annex and the board voted all in favor to approve minutes as edited for June 25, 26, 27 and approve but not release exec. session minutes for June 25.

Public Comment – A Friends of Bagg Hall is being organized and Mary Jo Wojtusik explained that they are seeking nonprofit status under 501(c)(3) and will begin fundraising efforts and seeking pledges.

Charter update – In addition to the monthly calls, Nina will be requesting quarterly written reports from Charter.

Bagg Hall proposal by Edie – To continue Mary Jo’s discussion, Edie asked the board to consider placing an article on the fall special town meeting warrant to expend funds for a schematic plan for the renovation of Bagg Hall. She explained that residents have approached her—unsolicited—regarding renovating Bagg Hall. Karen suggested that the Selectboard keep focused on the Public Safety Complex for this town meeting. Richy indicated that he was not ready to vote on the subject. Group agreed to postpone discussion to the August 6th S.B. meeting.

Mechanics Hall Committee Charge – Board reviewed the proposed charge and made minor edits.

ACTION:  S.B. voted all in favor to advertise the charge as written with minor edits.

Route 140 Design Contract amendment – S.B. members considered an amendment for the Route 140 Road Reconstruction project for additional work done by the engineering firm GPI. The Road Advisory Committee (RAC) is recommending this amendment. Additional funds will come from existing operating budget funds or Chapter 90 funds.

Route 31 Design Contract Amendment – The board reviewed a scope of work for a design amendment for the Route 31 Bridge Replacement project. RAC members Bill Holder and Kevin Toohey explained the Committee’s plan to switch from poured concrete culverts to pre-cast aluminum which they explained, has the same life span (appx. 100 years) for 30 percent lower in cost. Additional funds for the design change will come from existing operating budget funds or Chapter 90 funds, by reworking the funding schedule, as needed. The RAC will also be preparing a recommendation for the Selectboard’s consideration addressing the use of metal rather than concrete for culvert replacements, moving forward.

ACTION:  Selectboard voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the contract amendment for the Route 140 project for a total of up to $45,000 for the Route 31 project for a fee of $10,880.

Classification & Compensation Study – As per actions in a previous executive session, and to formally accept changes to the Study:

ACTION:  S.B. voted all in favor to offer the Library up to $6,500 of the FY19 wage/salary reserve voted as part of the operating budget, increase the Town Clerk’s hourly wage to $25.60 per hour effective July 1, 2018, and reclassify the Assessor to Grade I, based on a review of the November 2017 Classification & Compensation Study.

Letter to residents re: Public Safety Complex next steps – Nina distributed a draft letter outline from Richy intended to communicate to residents what the plans are for a public safety building. All agreed on urgency of getting the news out to residents on a regular basis. Karen explained that she has been researching public communications policies from other towns.

Correspondence – Board members were asked to respond to Mayor of Fitchburg’s invitation to an event objecting to a decision to close certain emergency and pediatric facilities in the Leominster and Fitchburg area.

Meeting Adjourned 8:45 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Mechanics Hall Committee charge; Route 140 Design Contract; Route 31 Design Contract; Classification & Compensation Study; Letter to residents re: Public Safety Complex next steps; Fitchburg mayor’s invitation.