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2018-06-04 SB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– June 4, 2018 – 9:00 AM– Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian

9 AM  Richy opened the meeting in the Town Hall Annex and asked for any public comment—none offered

ACTION:  On a motion made by Karen, seconded by Edie, the board voted all in favor to open the June 4, 2018 petition hearing pursuant to M.G.L. c. 166, §22 at the request of Charter Communications Entertainment I, LLC for permission to erect and locate underground conduit, handholes, vaults, pedestals, and other sustaining and protecting fixtures to be owned and used by Charter Communications Entertainment I, LLC, along, across, over and under the following public ways: Hickory Drive, Oak Circle, Stagecoach Road, Jillian Drive, Isaac’s Way, Pheasant Hollow Run, and Prospect Street in Princeton, Mass.

Presentation -- Scott Burns, representative for Charter, explained how equipment would be sited and installed for routing buried lines for CATV. This is only on roadways with buried utilities—not serviced by poles. Charter will follow locations of PMLD and Verizon equipment on these roads with separate conduit housing the new fiberoptic lines. He described pedestals and handholes to be installed and presented illustrations. Digging will be with a DitchWitch or mini-excavator with a 12” bucket, done within town road right-of-way in this phase of the project. Selectboard had no questions.

Public comment –
  • Phil Gransewicz of Laural Lane asked about whether or not the service will be available to all vacant lots and had a question about pull boxes.
  • Pricilla Collins of Oak Circle mentioned many residents weren’t at the meeting and asked if there was a quorum. She commented that the timing of the meeting was not convenient. Richy Bisk explained that the quorum requirement was for the Selectboard as board holding the authority to decide whether or not to grant an order of conduit location.
  • Hayla Sluss of Oak Circle asked how Charter would get in touch with homeowners to discuss adjustments, if possible. Scott suggested that residents contact him directly.
  • Mark Tisa of Pheasant Hollow asked about whether or not a vote could be taken on each individual street so that any issue with one would not hold up them all. The board agreed to vote on them all individually.
  • Steve Hodgkins of Jillian Drive asked if the cable line could be placed in an existing conduit with other utilities. Scott responded that it could not. Scott described how laterals in the road and driveways in the town right of way will be cut open then repaved by Charter contractors.
  • A resident of Oak Circle pointed out that the drawings that Scott presented didn’t show lateral lines crossing the street to access houses on opposite side. Scott admitted the oversight, although it was shown correctly on his master plan pages. Board discussed this with Scott and determined that diagrams were approximations as Charter needed flexibility at installation time to deal with unforeseen issues on the ground.
  • Steve Hodgkins of Jillian Drive asked about a guarantee from Charter on the repaving work, and Nina noted that that could be a condition of the Street Opening Permits to be issued which the Highway Dept. will oversee.
  • Barbara Guthrie of Hickory Drive asked if her home would be fed by an aerial feed. Scott responded that it would.
  • Richard Collins of Oak Circle asked where pedestals would be required. Scott responded that they would only be needed where the service crossed the road to a lot. Scott offered to speak with property owners about pedestal locations individually after the hearing and offered to confer with individual homeowners at time of installation.
  • Phil Gransewicz of Laurel Lane asked if the Highway Department would be involved in the street opening. Nina responded that they would be.
  • John Jorjorian of Worcester Road asked about the procedures if there is a box or pedestal damaged by an accident, specifically when would Charter make the repairs. Richy explained that the question was not germane to the hearing and suggested that the question be directed to Charter outside the hearing.
  • Mark Tisa of Pheasant Hollow asked if Pheasant Hollow could be voted on. Richy told him that the board was almost ready to start voting.
  • Scott Burns commented that when the main line is run for each underground road, that there may be driveway cuts required, explaining that a portion of each driveway is typically within the Town’s right of way.
  • Richard Collins of Oak Circle asked if Charter would use equipment to tunnel under driveways. Scott Burns responded that this was often a costly approach for the property owner, but it could be discussed.
  • Steve Hodgkins of Jillian Drive mentioned that there are 4 new trees in an area where construction appears to be proposed and asked why the main line was not planned to be constructed on the other side of the road. Scott Burns responded that it was based on the location of the existing utility poles adjacent to the underground areas.
  • Mark Tisa of Pheasant Hollow stated that he was in support of the project.
ACTION:  On a motion made by Karen, seconded by Edie, the board voted all in favor to close the public hearing.

ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the order for conduit location for Pheasant Hollow Run and sign the order.
ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the order for conduit location for Hickory Drive and sign the order.
ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the order for conduit location for Oak Circle and sign the order.
ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the order for conduit location for Stagecoach Road and sign the order.
ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the order for conduit location for Jillian Drive and sign the order.
ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the order for conduit location for Isaac’s Way and sign the order.
ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the order for conduit location for Prospect Street and sign the order.

Senior Property Tax Work-off Abatement program  9:50 AM– The Board considered proposed regulations and job descriptions for the program, which had not been formalized in the past. The seniors are considered town employees but their hourly wage earns credits toward reducing their RE tax bill, up to $1,500/year. Current wage rate is $7.50/hour as towns must conform to at least the (current) federal rate of $7.25/hour. Nina suggests $10/hour but didn’t feel we needed to be at the state minimum wage of $11.

ACTION:  The board voted all in favor for an hourly wage of $10/hour.

ACTION:  The board voted all in favor to accept the new regulations and guidelines for the program, with administrative modifications to the regulations/guidelines, as determined by the Town Administrator.

Mechanics Hall well  10:15 AM  Richy and Nina met with Dick Stuart and staff from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, who want a plan of action, in writing, from the town by July 1st. The water quality continues to test acceptably but current usage is low. One option is to cease supplying water and give Richard Stuart a deadline for drilling his own well. The issue is that a new public water supply well, with consultant fees etc. could cost up to $30,000 according to MassDEP. Board’s goal is each separate property having its own well, so Nina and Richy will query Town Counsel on how to proceed.

Abatement request  The board considered a letter from Edward Cichon asking for an abatement to his bill from an ambulance ride on Feb. 21, 2018. A response from Dep. Chief Tim Kelly outlined how the billing is computed and that fees are comparable with the region’s communities.

ACTION:  Selectboard voted all in favor to send a letter to Mr. Cichon, providing background info, and stating that the rates have been reviewed, are appropriate, and no abatement is being made to that amount.

Disclosure letters – The board discussed the disclosure forms for potential conflict of interest submitted by Bill Holder, Larry Greene Jr. and Nina N. Nina’s was a disclosure for donations requested for the Annual Town Meeting.

ACTION:  Selectboard voted all in favor to accept all three individuals’ disclosure documents.

ACTION:  Selectboard voted all in favor to disclose non-monetary services from Wachusett Ski Area and Norco, for providing busses and parking space at the May ATM.

Appointment of COA director – The board discussed the position, and future need for an assistant to the COA director, and that the assistant could be a senior tax write-off position.

ACTION:  Selectboard voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to post the position of COA director.

New S.B. schedule – Board considered changing day of their meetings and hour. They agreed on switching to alternating Wednesdays at 6:30 PM, starting on Sept. 5. Planning Board has agreed to take another day besides Wednesday.

ACTION:  Selectboard voted all in favor to delegate single member—Edith—to sign warrants every two weeks before Tuesday morning and the remaining quorum to sign in her absence.
Adjourn    11:45 AM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Plans and diagrams for burying conduit from Charter Communications; Orders for conduit locations; Draft regulations and job descriptions for the senior tax write-off program; Letter from Ed Cichon on Radford Road and email from Dep. Fire Chief Tim Kelly regarding ambulance fees; disclosure forms for potential conflict of interest and non-monetary services;