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2018-05-03 S.B. min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Finalizing ATM Warrant – May 3, 2018 – 10 AM– Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk and Edith Morgan. w/ TA Nina Nazarian.  Jon Fudeman absent.

Art. 15 Fire Truck – The board considered Art. 15 requesting $600,000 for a new fire truck/tanker and plan to do it over five years, raising $120,000 in FY’19. Nina outlined particulars of interest and costs for a statehouse serialized note, which has bi-annual payments and a $5,000 issuance cost. There is another capital request for a fire truck in five years, costing an estimated $350,000.

Art. 16 Stabilization fund    Nina recommended eliminating the usual transfer of free cash into the Stabilization Fund since monies were being proposed to be spent from one of the stabilization funds in this budget. Further, in recent years funds proposed to be transferred to stabilization were from free cash, and the funds would roll over in free cash, resulting in a next zero difference.

ACTION:  The S.B. voted all in favor to remove Art. 16

Art. 3 minor adjustments -  Nina explained the minor changes in the budget, over the recent version voted by the Selectboard.

ACTION: The S.B. voted all in favor to endorse a revised Art. 3 and place Art. 15 (fire truck) on the warrant.

Meetings planned – The Advisory Cmte. meets at 6 PM on Monday, May 7 and holds their public hearing for the warrant at 7 PM and the S.B. may attend. Also, FSC meets then at 7 PM. The board discussed dates for a meeting next week to decide on motions for the ATM and Karen C. will be invited.

Positions on articles – As their meeting is on Monday, the Adv. Cmte. won’t have their positions finalized in time for the posting of the warrant on Monday. Their position will show as TBD on each article and they will comment on the town meeting floor.

ACTION:  Richy and Edith signed several copies of the warrant for official posting.

Highway Barn model – The board noted that some residents are questioning the public safety building expense. The Highway Barn pre-fab metal construction, several years ago--cost without equipment—averages about $50-$60/sq.ft.  Nina noted that the consultant’s plan for the P.S.   portion of the building for vehicles would be a metal pre-fab. There is a need to communicate how a Hwy. barn and a P.S. building are different in their facility needs.

Adjourn  10:40 AM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Draft of ATM 2018 warrant

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department