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2018-04-20 S.B. minutes

Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 20, 2018 – 11:00 AM
Selectboard – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan & Jon Fudeman w/ TA Nina Nazarian.  

11:03 AM  Meeting was opened by Richy.

FY19 Operating Budget - Jon described a meeting with Fire Chief, John Bennett, including Advisory Committee Chair John Shipman and Town Administrator Nina Nazarian. Jon concluded and suggested that additional ambulance coverage be incorporated into the FY19 budget.

Jon reviewed an analysis he had performed using Division of Local Services data, between FY14 and FY17, which showed a 25% increase in budget over the 4 years (annualized at 6% per year), not including education. Nina explained that at her request the Town Accountant reviewed the FY15-FY16 expenditure increase, and the FY16-FY17 expenditure increase. The percentage, not including schools was 1.99% and 2.54% respectively.

Jon expressed concern about IT needs, suggesting that we restore the requested funding to IT to maintain an adequate level of performance and security.

ACTION: On a motion made by Jon, seconded by Edie, the Board voted 3-0-0 to increase the IT operating budget by $10,000 to cover additional hours needed to make progress on the capital projects.

Facilities – The board discussed the warrant articles for facilities, covering the Annex, Public Safety Construction and Bagg Hall Renovation/Addition.  Regarding whether or not to place the Bagg Hall Addition/Renovation on the warrant, the Board agreed to meet with the FSC before making decision.

Public Comment – Bill Holder expressed concern about the total cost of the Public Safety building, suggesting alternatives be considered. Richy recognized and thanked Bill’s work on the Route 140 project relative to the proposed reduction on the state/federal funding.

Fire Truck – Board agreed that an article for $600k for fire trucks should be on the warrant, given the needs of the Fire Department.

Use of Stabilization Funds – Jon verbalized his findings on the use of stabilization funds, concluding that income per capita was one of the largest factors of the bond rating process.

AC Bylaw – Jon recommended augment the town bylaws by roughly two dozen words from MGL c. 39, §16. Richy presented a suggestion that the website be updated.

ACTION: On a motion made by Richy, seconded by Edie, the board voted 3-0-0 that the Advisory Committee webpage be changed, as outlined in his handout.

Selectboard Clerk – On a motion by Jon, seconded by Richy, the board voted 3-0-0 that Edie be the Clerk for the Selectboard.

Jon left the meeting at 12:40 PM

CMRPC Meeting relating to the Route 140 project – Richy gave an update on the $900k which was proposed for reduction. The CMMPO voted to restore all but $10k of the reduction.

1:05 PM  Meeting was continued, given a quorum of the board. Jim O’Coin and Police Chief Michele Powers

Police Cruisers – Chief Powers passed out updates for the cruiser mileage and repair costs to date. Discussion on the Police Department’s request for two replacement cruisers. After discussion including the current fleet, the Police Chief agreed with a suggestion by Jim O’Coin to remove the 2011 cruiser from service (currently not in use, due to repair needs) and only replace the 2014 SUV.

Edie left at 2 PM, meeting adjourned.

Adjourned 2:00 PM

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

BOS Referenced Documents:  Advisory Committee change from Richy; document from Police Chief

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department