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2018-04-17 S.B. min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– April 17, 2018 – 7:30 PM– Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan & Jon Fudeman w/ TA Nina Nazarian.  

Accept minutes – The board voted all in favor to approve the minutes from the March 19 Exec. Session (not to release); the regular meetings on March 29, April 4 and 5 with Exec. Session on April 5 (not to release); and hold off on April 2 minutes.

Mechanics Hall    The Friends of Mechanics Hall representatives Karen Rossow and Mark Fiandaca were in to review a letter they had submitted outlining recommendations on conditions to be attached to the proposed sale of the building. These included: the building shall not be demolished and the original structure shall be retained; the owner shall maintain the historic character and traditional look and feel of the building, particularly the façade (front side) and the owner shall maintain the structural integrity and weather-proof integrity of the building so the condition does not deteriorate. It was noted that overly-strict restrictions could discourage potential buyers. The two Friends offered to partner with the S.B. in future status/use of the building as the Friends have the most knowledge about it. They reported that students from WPI and engineers in the past had deemed the building structurally sound but suffering from water infiltration and being far from meeting building/fire safety codes.
                Richy suggested a new committee form to consider conditions and deed restrictions, and Karen R. noted that her group had already done that. Nina warned that any restrictions listed in the warrant article are binding and another town meeting would be required to change anything. More flexibility may be needed, and restrictions or conditions may be addressed elsewhere, such as an article worded: “sale is subject to recommendations…”.
                Jon F. pointed out that cost of renovation, at something like $500,000, is more that any owner could recoup in rental income or other ROI, given all the constraints at the site. Mark F. suggested that there should be a timeframe set for the sale.

Joint Meeting with the Advisory Committee on FY19 Budget/Capital 7:55 PM  The Advisory Cmte. convened with John Shipman, Wayne Adams, George Handy, Jim O’Coin and Judy Dino. Absent were Bill Lawton and Don Schoeny. Richy stressed how there should be an effort to maintain a collegial discussion but admitted that people don’t always agree and all must compromise. He outlined a protocol for the meeting to allow three minutes from each member to address their budget concerns and/or suggestions. George H. disagreed and insisted that the agenda and procedure that had been emailed by Advisory Committee Chair John S to all participants indicating that the S.B. would answer a list of the questions which the Adv. Cmte. had previously forwarded. John S. agreed with George’s perception and read an email he had written to Richy. Richy noted that he had made clear in writing how he, as SB Chair, planned to conduct the meeting. Richy noted that the answers to the compiled questions were received the prior evening at 10 PM and could not be addressed in advance by the entire SB without violating the open meeting law.  He added that the questions had been answered by Nina (in cooperation with himself) and sent earlier in the afternoon to the Adv. Cmte.  George H. left the meeting at 8:10 PM.
Jim O. warned that the boards are not focused, and he picked out several specific items. He said the Police Dept. doesn’t need any more vehicles; the police chief is paid considerably more than in other small communities and it’s possible to say “no” to police union demands for raises. Judy D. noted that budget decisions seem to pit departments against each other.
John S. warned that the high price tag on facilities upgrades could cause a backlash from voters who may shoot down all the options. He describes a potential option which would cover the cost of whatever is needed to get all buildings now in use up to code—an investment under $3 million compared to the $12 million in so-called “Option A”.  There was discussion about which order of placement on the warrant that the group of facilities articles should take.
Wayne A. proposed something like a zero-based budget to cut the increase down to two percent, as spending needs are based on outdated perceptions and experiences. According to Wayne, health insurance is covered by other towns at 70/30 while Princeton continues at 80/20, for instance, and a used fire truck should be the first consideration rather than brand new. He also mentioned the possibility of increasing revenue without taxes, such as selling off the town’s (real estate) assets. Nina gave an explanation that based on her discussions with the Police Chief, one replacement cruiser was needed to ensure that the department has the vehicles needed to operate.
Jon brought up the issue of an aging population in town and the need for medical emergency resources being funded. Nina suggested that there could be one member of the Selectboard and one of the AC to meet with the fire or police chiefs regarding the basis for the public safety budget requests, Jon F. and John S. agreed to meet with the fire chief and Richy B. with Jim O. will meet with the police chief.
Jim O. talked about the possibility of leasing the Sonoma space for COA but he doesn’t see the need for a major rehab of Bagg Hall into a community/senior center because Princeton’s COA programs and senior center are underused.
S.B. announced a meeting with FSC on Tuesday April 24 at 7 PM and they invited the Adv. Cmte.
Adv. Cmte. adjourned  9:30 PM  

ATM Warrant S.B. talked about order of the five facilities articles and a potential article on leasing Sonoma space for COA.
                Jon F. restated his desire to add the wording into the town’s bylaw from MGL that defines the charge of the Adv. Cmte. Group decided to consider a vote on Friday, when they meet at 11 AM, about presenting an article on this bylaw change.

Administrative items  9:35 PM  Nina read out loud a Notice of Proposed Acquisition from the state Dept. of Agricultural Resources having to do with the agricultural preservation restriction at Fieldstone Farm. A public announcement is mandated by the state. The board then voted all in favor to accept the notice and a reduction in the notice period from 120 days to 60 days.

Executive Session 9:45 PM -- in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:-- Jon moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.   Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye”, Richy voted “Aye”.


Adjourn  10:36 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Letter from Friends of Mechanics Hall; ATM warrant articles; Notice of Proposed Acquisition