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2019-03-20 S.B. min. EXEC SESS.RELEASED

Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 20, 2019
Executive Session Minutes – SELECTBOARD

Executive Session 7:50 PM – In the open meeting, the board voted to go into Executive Session. Selectboard members present were Richy B., Karen C. and Edith M. with T.A. Nina N.

Executive Session

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Two – to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations with nonunion personnel, Classification & Compensation Plan.

Discussion of the 2017 Classification & Compensation Plan as it related to the Highway Department. One employee, Andrew Santry has an offer for employment from another company. Andrew has been with the department for 22 years and is a very valued member of the team. At the current level in which he is classified, he is at the highest step and is not eligible for a step increase for next year. His offer was about $3.60 per hour greater than what Princeton offers, taking into consideration the hourly value of the other company’s health insurance benefit offering. After a significant amount of discussion, the Selectboard agreed that going outside the Classification & Compensation Plan by offering Andrew Santry an increase of $3.00 per hour, as a temporary solution, until it could be reviewed again would be warranted.  

ACTION: The Selectboard voted in a roll call vote, Ricky said “Aye”, Edith said “Aye” and Karen said “Aye,” to offer Andrew Santry an additional $3.00 per hour effective Monday, March 25th, with the understanding that if Andrew accepted, they would review the classification & compensation plan for the Highway Department with the goal of making sure that the town is competitive with surrounding towns.

8:58 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Edith making a motion to adjourn, Karen seconded and in roll call they voted to adjourn with Richy, Karen and Edith each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

S.B. Referenced Documents: 2017 Classification & Compensation Plan