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2017-03-20 S.B. min. Exec.Sess.

Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 20, 2017
Executive Session Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   
7:20 PM  Selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session.
        Selectmen then turned to the subject of the police union negotiations and it was noted that the union did not want to negotiate any further and want 3%/3%/4% salary raise over a three year period. George Handy had been involved in negotiations as the Advisory Committee member and he was concerned about the 2% which BOS proposed being for the whole police budget or just the police officer union. Selectmen noted that the union had waived increases during the 2008 ice storm, getting 5/2/4 instead of 5/5/5 but that was when inflation was barely 2% which it still is.
        Selectmen voted to authorize the T.A. to offer up to a $14,000 total increase on the Police Union Salaries line.

7:42 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Stan making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Stan each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Police Dept. budget; police union requests.