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2017-12-11 minutes amended

Town of Princeton, Mass. – Dec. 11, 2017 – 7:30 PM
Selectboard – Regular Meeting – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.
Minutes   7:30 PM   Board voted all in favor to approve Minutes for November 27th  as amended.
Tax Classification Hearing – Principal Assessor Kathy Stanley was in with two Board of Assessors members and Admin Assistant Terri Longtine. Selectboard voted all in favor to open public hearing for FT’18 tax classification and waive reading of the hearing legal notice.
                Kathy explained that the town’s total assessed property values were up almost 10 percent from last year, and she has completed a full, field appraisal. The town has consistently adopted a single tax rate, and Kathy pointed out that it’s the only viable option with less than five percent of properties deemed commercial/industrial. With no comments forthcoming, the board voted all in favor to adopt a single tax rate for FY’18. They then signed the LA-5 certification form for the Div. of Local Services which must be certified by Bureau of Accounts.
                She then explained other exemptions to the tax rate, which wouldn’t apply to Princeton (as too small) but still require a vote. One is an “open space” discount which Princeton doesn’t use because 157 parcels (five-acre minimum) in town are in Chapt. 61 which provides a much better tax break to landowners. A second is a “residential exemption” for seasonal/vacation homes which allows the community to tax them at a higher rate. A third is a “small commercial exemption” for business properties with less than 10 employees that offers a 10 percent tax cut that is paid by a community’s larger businesses. Board members voted each separately, all in favor to not adopt the three exemptions on the LA-5 Certificate.
Closed hearing   7:40 PM   The board then voted all in favor to close the public hearing.
Request for Out of District School Transfer  Resident Lorrin Burrows, who teaches at Franklin County Voc-Tech School in Turners Falls, was in to explain his effort to enroll his daughter there next year, rather than at Monty Tech, as she can commute with him. Various rules and regulations concerning out-of-district student placement have prevented his progress in this effort. He stated that students from other communities who were on the Monty Tech waiting list have been placed at Franklin Cty. And he has received different answers from a variety of school officials. Jon offered to support his effort as long as there was little or no financial liability for the town such as extra tuition or future transportation needs.
Charter Cable Franchise   8 PM  Nina said work is underway with Charter’s installation, and she is working with them to get out some regular communication to post as a public service—as on Town News.
Social media   Nina noted that Hubbardston has a policy on the use of social media which the Selectboard may be interested in. All agreed it’s critical to have any town news show up first on official town sites, then spread out.
Facilities Steering Committee 8:10  PM  Edith stated that the architects will meet with fire and police chiefs this week.
Route 140 Reconstruction Project in East Princeton  Nina reported that the Road Adv. Cmte. met with 24 abutters to the project last week and nine offered to donate their land-takings, with more possible. This relieves the town from paying an appraiser about $700 for each property that needs an appraisal. These appraisals are required for a subsequent payment to the property owner for an easement or land-taking. Bill Holder, chair of the committee noted that the meetings went very well, as organized by Ginger Toll from the Bldg. Dept. and conducted by the Road Advisory Committee members and GPI staff, who were very sensitive to the neighbors. There was some discussion about historical lighting and whether the cost was covered by MassDOT.
Contract with appraisal firm 8:20 PM   Selectboard voted all in favor to award the appraisal work to Howard S.
Dino & Associates, Inc. and authorize the TA to sign a contract, if necessary. They also voted all in favor to determine the land-taking at Sawyer Field as having de minimis impact, constant with the Parks & Recreation Commission opinion.
Mechanics Hall Well  8:27 PM  Regarding the MassDEP Notice of Non-Compliance for the well in Mechanics Hall, DEP has received a request to extend action/mitigation until July 2018.
Ball Hill Rd Culvert Replacement grant  Town has received the state grant paperwork for about $78,000, total cost estimated to be between $78k and $97k, with difference, if any, to be paid with already appropriated road funds. The grant must be used/spent by June 30, 2018. Selectboard members voted all in favor to authorize the TA to sign the state grant contract along with a contract with the anticipated design engineer, CEI. The RAC plans to have this culvert designed, and place the design on the shelf, until a grant is available to construct the project.
Sale of Lot in North Cemetery  The board voted all in favor to sell Lot 51G at North Cemetery to Mr. Roger Davis and Ms. Hayla Sluss.
T&G article questioned   Board discussed a T&G article on concept of a single districtwide tax rate for Wachusett Regional School District and were puzzled on how that could work. The town’s School Committee members should be contacted. Richy offered to contact the reporter who wrote the article for clarification.
Parks & Recreation Commission applicant  8:40 PM  Phil Gransewicz was present, as he is alternate member of Parks & Rec Commission and wishes to fill an empty seat for a term until June 2020. He reported that the three P & R members present at their last meeting voted to support his appointment. The Selectboard voted all in favor to pass over the decision until their next meeting.
Seasonal Snow Helpers   the board voted all in favor to appoint three high school students as seasonal snow helpers to shovel town property after snowfalls: Patrick Cumming, Jordan Farnsworth and Luke Farnsworth.
Disclosure of a Gift  Board voted all in favor to accept a disclosure by Town Clerk Lynne Grettum of a $10 gift certificate, which she donated to the COA.
Town Administrator’s reports   Board noted copy of a letter sent to MBI from Sen. Chandler and Rep. Ferguson in support of grant reimbursement for broadband make-ready work. Nina pointed out that the Selectboard needs one more meeting in December to sign renewals of liquor licenses. All agreed to Dec. 20 at 5 PM in Town Hall. As there is no Dec. 26 meeting, Richy and Jon will come in after 1 PM that day to sign warrant FY’18-13.
Invoice for TP School   Nina said she is holding an invoice totaling $13,000. for work which was not fully authorized by the Town, as no contract was signed. The work involved reporting requirements at TPS for the PCBs. She noted that the contractor had emailed her with the order/request, but she had inadvertently not responded. There may be some additional costs as well. She will follow up and keep board informed.
Town Census Informational Insert  9 PM  The Historical Society has been organizing a phone directory for the town, as has been done in the past, and it includes a brief newsletter insert by the town, expected to reach homes the week of December 18th. The town clerk’s census mailing is going out soon and officials have the opportunity to relay additional information to all residents—also with an insert. Board discussed what they could include in an insert and need more time to reach a consensus. They agreed to meet Thursday, Dec. 14 at 2 PM in the Annex to decide on wording, and Jon offered to send out samples/suggestions before the meeting.
Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: 9:20 PM – Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and return to regular session, according to    Exemption Three – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”


Vote Classification & Compensation Study & Employee Wage Adjustments   9:52 PM – Group adjourned executive session and re-convened in regular session. On a motion made by Jon, seconded by Edie, the Selectboard voted, with Richy abstaining, to accept and implement the Classification & Compensation Study as presented, with minor modifications, including the proportional calculation for the positions in which there are multiple employees.

Adjourn 9:53 PM  Selectboard voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

Selectboard Referenced Documents:  LA-5 certification form; Legislators’ reimbursement letter sent to the MBI; notice of interest by Phil Gransewicz to serve on the Parks & Rec Commission; deed for Lot 51G at North Cemetery; T&G article on WRSD; disclosure by Town Clerk. Classification & Compensation Study.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department