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Selectboard Minutes 12/20/2017
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Dec. 20, 2017 – 5:00 PM
Selectboard – Meeting – Town Hall
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

Sign ABCC Liquor & Class II Used Vehicle License Renewals – On a motion by Edith, second by Jon, the Selectboard voted 3-0-0 to approve and sign the liquor license renewals, the Class II Used Vehicle License, and sign the non-renewal by Sonoma.

Surplus 1976 Chevrolet in Fire Department & Review Surplus Supplies Policy – Nina explained that the Fire Department has a 1981 GMC (not a 1976 Chevrolet, as inadvertently listed in the agenda) which is surplus in the Fire Chief’s opinion, given that the vehicle was replaced recently with a used vehicle. The Fire Chief has secured a buyer who is willing to pay $3,000 for the vehicle. According to the Chief, the Town payed about $5,000 about 15 years ago to purchase the vehicle. Pursuant to the Chapter 30B Manual published by the Office of the Inspector General, “[l]ocal jurisdictions must have written procedures for surplus supplies valued at less than $10,000”. To move the item forward, the Selectboard agreed to reviewing a more detailed policy in the future, but at this time, to approve “the sale of surplus items under $5,000 by vote of the Selectboard”. On a motion by Jon, second by Edith, the Selectboard voted 3-0-0 to surplus the 1981 GMC from the Fire Department and allow the sale of the surplus item.

Route 140 Support Letter to MassDOT – Bill Holder was in to present a letter for the Selectboard’s signature which requests MassDOT to pay for the costs relating to project, such as ornamental lighting, replica historic bridge railings on the Keys Brook Bridge, and the driveway reconstruction at 80/84 Main Street to be considered participating costs. The Selectboard expressed appreciation to Bill for his work on the letter, and on a motion by Jon, second by Richy, the board voted 3-0-0 to sign the letter.

Discussion on the presentation by Jones Whitsett Architects (JWA) – The Selectboard discussed the presentation which was made to the Facilities Steering Committee (FSC) on 12/19, then subsequently emailed to the Selectboard. It was suggested that it may be beneficial to have a conversation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the FSC on the anticipated recommendations.

Adjourn 5:35 PM  On a motion by Richy, second by Edith, the Selectboard voted 3-0-0 to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, town administrator
Selectboard Referenced Documents:  Princeton Route 140 Reconstruction Project – Participating Costs letter to MassDOT; and presentation by JWA to FSC on 12/19.