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Town of Princeton, Mass. – Oct. 16, 2017 – 7:30 PM
Board of Selectmen – Regular Meeting

Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

7:30 PM   Joint Meeting with Facilities Steering Committee, Chair Karen Cruise, Chris Conway, Steve Mirick, Larry Todd and Mary Jo Wojtusik., They recommend selection of Jones Whitsett Architects to conduct Needs Assessment and Four Buildings Master Plan.. Group reported how JWA is from Greenfield and has much experience with small towns and old buildings. They discussed how a financial plan should run in conjunction with these projects. Steve M. suggested need for two money articles at ATM in May: one to fund a design firm and another to fund any small-scale building projects.
7:40 PM  The Board voted all in favor to select Jones Whitsett Architects (JWA) in accordance with the Town’s Designer Selection procedures and authorize the Town Administrator to enter into
a contract with JWA accordingly. All agreed that the charge of the FSC is to find a design/architect firm and then work with them.

        Nina reported on the Charter Cable franchise. The PBMLP is close to completing transfers to Charter, and pole licenses are completed.

Bill Holder reported on Route 140 Reconstruction project and draft timeline he prepared which Nina merged with the timeline provided by MassDOT. Bill said the timelines and tasks keep getting changed and tweaked a bit. Nina meets regularly with Larry Greene, Sr., and Bill H. to discuss this project and keep tasks on schedule--next meeting is on Wednesday.

7:45 PM  Nina reported letter being sent to MassDEP requesting a two-month extension on the well in Mechanics Hall in response to the DEP Notice of Non-Compliance. The next step will be for Richy and/or Nina to determine how these matters will be addressed with the various stakeholders.

        Jon F. presented update on Community Compact Grant for Capital Improvements Plan. Idea is to switch it to an Organizational Review and he communicated with Monica Lamboy at Collins Center about doing that. Prospects for this are likely, and the capital plan would then be done internally with volunteers, as Jon cited several financial experts in town who were amenable. He insists that outside professionals would not be ideal given that every community (he has studied) is so different and residents would be more familiar with political climate and the town’s unique attributes than a consultant would. All agreed a team effort is required, and Edith suggested getting department heads involved and getting procedures into place first.

8:15 PM  BOS decided on a Budget meeting to be Thursday, Oct. 19 at 5 PM and invite Monica L. for a conference call at either 4:30 PM that day or at 9 AM Friday.
Jon noted that he is distributing a Stearns County Survey as a sample report that Princeton might utilize.

Jon  submitted some examples that outline steps to take for developing a financial plan, adding that such a plan is only 10 – 15 pages. Group discussed whether or not to appoint a formal committee for the Fin. Plan, or take participants on an as-need basis for more flexibility, rather than contending with open-meeting rules. This could be done under posted meeting of BOS or Adv. Cmte. as well. Discussion continued on pros and cons of hiring outside consultants instead of tapping local, volunteer talent. Jon F. agreed to work on some options.

8:40 PM  Selectmen considered approval of draft goals outlined in the September 14th Goal Setting Session. A list of four goals were distributed: Broadband; Facilities, Route 140 upgrades; organizational efficiencies and a financial plan. Richy offered to add some explanation/description to each one and vote them at next regular BOS meeting.

8:47 PM  Environmental Action Committee had sent a request to all boards for input on Environmental Action Plan they are developing, by November 17. Edith had some ideas she could forward, including eco-friendly Title V options such as the Presby system and working with Wachusett Mtn. Advisory Council on stormwater improvements at the mountain. Nina agreed to let EAC know the BOS discussed their request and will forward Edith’s ideas.

8:55 PM  Board voted all in favor to authorize the TA to post the position of Seasonal Snow Helper, Seasonal Snow Plow Driver, and Seasonal Snow Plow Driver II.

        Selectmen received a request from Wachusett Huddle for Action. They want an event/presentation about state and national healthcare policy at the Congregational Church to be promoted on the town website. Group discussed issue of whose content gets presented on town’s official media—there is no formal policy and one may be needed. Selectmen decided not to post announcement from this group on Princeton website.

9:05 PM  Town Administrator’s reports included Bagg Hall Chimney work as completed in September with misc. paperwork remaining; Rt. 62 resurfacing work continues through the week of October 16th with final paving scheduled for Thursday, October 19th and Friday, October 20th, weather depending. She noted in the Classification & Compensation Study that job descriptions have been finalized, now waiting on the Collins Center to complete the compensation survey. Regarding exhaust evacuation system at Fire Department buildings, the next step is for the contract documents to be drawn up. A plan is underway for the repair of the Library roof and the next step is for the contract documents to be drawn up. The IT Steering Committee has been meeting monthly and working with the IT Coordinator. Their next project is the installation of a firewall for the IT infrastructure at Town Hall.  

9:05 PM  BOS voted all in favor to approve minutes of Oct. 2 with minor edits as noted. Jon F. mentioned that he wants to meet with the T.A. from Northboro who is expert at municipal finance and has presentations available online. Jon and Nina will set a meeting with him in Northboro.
        Jon also wants to get together with Jim O’Coin from the Adv. Cmte. for an investigation of the budgets and spending at Police and Highway Departments in nearby towns, which spend less per capita in these departments than does Princeton.

9:10 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Recommendation for Designer Selection; letter dated Oct. 4 being sent to MassDEP; draft goals from September 14th Goal Setting Session; letter from Environmental Action Committee; request from Wachusett Huddle for Action.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department