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2017-09-14 BOS goals min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Sept. 14, 2017 – 4 PM
Board of Selectmen – Goal-Setting Meeting

Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan plus TA Nina Nazarian.

4:12 PM   The chairman opened the meeting in Harrington Farm. Jon F. discussed the operational review, indicating he and/or (possibly) Richy could do the coordination—for contracting with the Collins Center. Nina expressed concern about the BOS doing administrative work as opposed to the T.A., especially without having considered specific aspects of the T.A.’s goals/priorities.
4:23 PM  Board voted all in favor to recommend Richy B. to contact Collins Center and find out about logistics for doing the work including cost, staff involvement, etc.
        Jon F. would like to be involved with budget process, starting fairly early, maybe October. Look at: zero-based budgeting, Fire Dept., Police Dept., Town Hall, roads etc. Group reviewed list of goals from last year, at Richy’s request. and assessed/discussed progress made on them.
5:24 PM  Jon had to leave meeting. Group discussed T.A.’s list of items
6:15 PM  Break to eat.
7:21 PM  Continued discussion on setting draft goals for review by entire board.
8:08 PM  Edith  and Richy listed following goals:  Broadband; Facilities; Route 140 upgrades; organizational efficiencies. Group also considered improving communication with residents and how the budget may relate to list of priorities.

8:28 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, T.A. Nina Nazarian & Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Edith’s suggested goal-setting process; T.A. list of items; Richy’s agenda and public participation.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department