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2017-07-20 minutes
Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 20, 2017 – 7:30 PM
Board of Selectmen – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan plus TA Nina Nazarian.

7:30 PM   The chairman opened BOS meeting in Town Hall Annex. A large crowd attended owing to the P.C. closing announcement. Nina N. distributed copies of a draft memo on the closing of the Princeton Center and selectmen shared observations they had from the building tour they took the previous week. They all stated that it was a difficult but unavoidable decision. Discussion followed on a timeframe for tenants to move possessions out. Bill Andresick, from the COA, asked about the HKT architects study. Jon F. noted the study’s content and explained that selectmen thought they could get a few years more from P.C. –however the building inspector would not issue the annual occupancy permit. An allocation of $65,000 was earmarked for a Bagg Hall study but stalled when an all-over study/plan for all buildings seemed to be preferred by residents.
        At a meeting next week the Facilities Steering Cmte. will be crafting a Request For Qualifications (RFQ). The group is posted on the town website along with all facilities studies from recent years. Group discussed relevance of the National Historical Register and Buildings of Historical Importance which may help in seeking grant funding. Nina N. explained that the charge of the F.S.C. does not include prioritizing the buildings. Phil Connors warned that deterioration is escalating in all buildings.
        Judy Dino, a building tenant, questioned why this decision appeared so suddenly and at this time. Ed Carlson noted that P.C. was a time bomb for many years and everyone saw it coming. He pointed out that there are three community-oriented churches in town with possible space to rent. There was discussion about other funding that hasn’t been spent such as $50,000 for emergency lighting, exit signs and fire alarms.
Fire Chief John Bennett advised against spending any money on P.C. he added that T.P. School is finally getting an occupancy permit—lacking since 1994. Ian Catlow asked about a capital plan for facilities. Nina explained about the Community Compact grant of $20,000 which is aimed at the study being done by the Collins Center at UMass. This will dovetail with the report which the F.S.C. will complete.
Jon F. noted the long list of other town projects that need funding. He said a permanent Facilities Mgmt. Cmte. will be established. He suggested that a funding article for a specific construction project be added to the warrant for the 2018 ATM. One idea is to demolish P.C. and build something such as public safety and/or community center.
John Kowaleski applauded the decision to close P.C. but urged a plan for taking the next step.
8:40 PM  Selectmen turned to a report from Ed Carlson about Krashes Field. He urged everyone to use the facility more—the playing fields and hiking trails—and invited BOS to tour the site and they asked to do it in September or October. He requested that plastic piping be installed to cover cables that serve as gates at driveway entrances. He noted that the field house, donated by the Needham family, must be maintained by the town and recommended a budget be created for that.
8:55 PM  Turning to appointments for the Environmental Action Committee, selectmen voted all in favor to appoint seven: Brett Gibbs, Phoebe Moore, Claire Golding, Corey Burnham-Howard, Michael Knapp, Phil Gott and Susan Hardenbrook.
        They then voted all in favor to appoint members to the (ad hoc) Advisory Committee Review Committee. These were: Anne Littlefield, Joseph O’Brien, Terry Hart, David Cruse and Bob Sauer.
9:05 PM  Jon F. offered to attend the Eagle Scout ceremony for Teddy Lindberg on Aug. 5. It was announced that Cong. Jim McGovern will host a listening session on Aug. 1 from 3-5 PM at the Rutland Public Library. The group agreed that when the BOS chair is absent, the clerk fills in. Phil Connors reported the procedure he will use to remove the potentially problematic windows on the 2nd floor of Bagg Hall—need to remove four sashes and block the opening with plywood painted black.
9:20 PM  F.C. John Bennett was in to rally for a warrant article at STM to fund a new Class A tanker at appx. $600,000. He said it’s a multi-purpose vehicle and finding a good used one is unlikely, although the F.D. typically shops for used vehicles in other cases. He pointed out the need for “water on wheels” given the difficulty in permitting the fire ponds in town and lack of water in the town center. During the Inn at Princeton fire, all available fire ponds in town were emptied. He described ongoing maintenance of fire ponds and ideas for piping into gravity-fed water resources such as Echo Lake on Wachusett Reservation. As water sources factor into the ISO rating that is used by (homeowner) insurance agencies, Bennett wants to increase the fire pond inventory and other resources. He added that Georgia-Pacific, in Leominster, offers grants to fire departments in communities within a 30-mile radius. Nina suggested that the department research actual savings to homeowners that result from a higher ISO rating.
9:45 PM  Selectmen agreed to meet with Advisory Cmte. on Wednesday, Aug. 2 as public hearing for STM. Jon F. reported on a meeting with representatives from Charter on the cable franchise and said an agreement could be possible within 30 days with the poles and other make-ready completed by end of September.
        Board voted all in favor to accept resignation—with regrets—of Marsha Dowdy from her long-time service assisting the Conservation Commission.
        Edith M. asked about a new BOS newsletter which might be sent to all residents in the PMLD bills. Group discussed a site for their goal-setting retreat and suggestion came up for a room at the ski lodge. Nina urged that goals to be determined ASAP so she can prioritize pending projects. Selectmen agreed to Thursday, Aug. 3 at 3 PM and Jon offered to follow up on using the ski lodge. Board of Selectmen wishes to meet with the Friends of Mechanics Hall in October.
        Nina reported on the problem one tenant at P.C. has with the restricted hours. After discussion, the board voted all in favor to allow exceptions to the 7 AM – 7 PM rule on an individual basis at discretion of the T.A. and P.C. Manager Linda Farineau, with condition that no one is there after midnight and two people minimum are present, with cell phones and flashlights.
10:15 PM                The board voted all in favor to approve minutes for July 10 & 17 and approve but not release minutes from executive session of May 22.
10:17 PM  Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.     Exemption Three – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”


10:20 PM Selectmen adjourned from executive session

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Application materials for Environmental Action Committee and Advisory Committee Review Committee, listing of fire ponds, resignation letter from Marsha Dowdy.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department