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2017-06-15 minutes
Town of Princeton, Mass. – June 15, 2017 – 5:00 PM
Board of Selectmen – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Jon Fudeman and Richard Bisk, plus TA Nina Nazarian. Edith Morgan was absent.

5:00 PM   The chairman opened BOS meeting in Town Hall Annex.
To finish this year’s board and committee appointments, selectmen met with the Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Board, which has one empty seat. In attendance were Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, Members John Kowaleski, John Rowell, and Harry Strock along with Matt Russell. In roll call, as required by MGL Ch. 41, Sect. 11, Jon and Rich voted ‘aye’ and also in roll call, John R., John K. and Harry S. voted ‘aye’ to appoint Matt Russell to fill the empty seat until the next town election in May 2018. Matt had received the most write-in votes (12) at ATE in May but was not a registered voter at that time—but now he is.
5:05 PM  Selectmen focused on applicants for the Facilities Steering Committee as they previously voted all in favor to appoint Steve Mirick, Chris Conway, Karen Cruise, Larry Todd and Mary Jo Wojtusik for terms as identified on the charge. The board then voted all in favor for the FSC members to serve a one-year term through June 30, 2018.
Nina reported that on June 6th bids were opened for the Bagg Hall chimney project and the lowest bidder, CD Masonry, Inc. did not provide a price for Alternate #1 (repointing a small area of masonry on the east side of Bagg Hall adjacent to the chimney). The second lowest bidder, Galvin & Sons Masonry and Construction has provided a price on both the Base Bid and Alternate #1, with a total of $34,800. At ATM, $30,000 was appropriated for the repair. Given that all reference checks were not complete on Galvin, Nina suggested that the board vote to delegate its awarding and rejecting authority to the Town Administrator, as well as use of up to $10,000 from the Town Building Maintenance Program Special Appropriation, and to authorize the Town Administrator to enter into a contract for the same. The board voted all in favor.
Selectmen considered a contract with Tighe & Bond for engineering services for the continued environmental work required at the Public Safety Building and Annex sites. This is necessary because of buried fuel tanks from years ago. The board voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the Proposal for Groundwater Monitoring/MCP Reporting Services contract with Tighe and Bond for $12,000.
Selectmen discussed formation of a committee to review the role and duties of the Advisory Committee. The board previously voted to establish an independent group consisting of two former selectmen, two former Advisory Board members and the town moderator, but the moderator was reluctant to serve on a board as his position is independent. As Edith had proposed this new committee, the remaining selectmen decided to table the issue and possibly change the makeup to reflect a mix of all former selectmen and Adv. Bd. members.

5:30 PM         The board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Bid spreadsheet for Bagg Hall chimney; contract with Tighe & Bond

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department