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Town of Princeton, Mass. – June 8, 2017 – 6:30 PM
Board of Selectmen – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Jon Fudeman, Edith Morgan and Richard Bisk, plus TA Nina Nazarian. Tim Corcoran also present.

6:30 PM   Jon opened BOS meeting in the Thomas Prince School Computer Room
Jon mentioned he had another item to discuss, which was the MBI allocations (i.e. design/engineering allocation of $640k which the town is being told that we are not eligible for, and the $910k that the MBI is planning to grant to Charter). He requested the opportunity to pursue this further. The Board voted 3-0 on a motion made by Edie, second by Richy, to pursue the action of investigating the MBI allocations.

6:41 PM  Richy indicated that he had gotten somewhat caught up to speed on the Chapter 70 matter, after having spoken with Tim Corcoran and George Handy. The $3.3 million inequity was discussed, as presented by the Advisory Committee. Tim Corcoran explained that in his correspondence with Mr. Jeff Wulfson, Acting Commissioner of DESE that Mr. Wulfson plans to provide a presentation and then take questions.
        The Board broadly discussed the Minimum Contribution Level (MLC) and how it effects the Town’s share. Discussion on whether or not there is a difference in the MLC with a regional school system of non-regional schools. Discussion on how wealth and inflation influence the final numbers. Part of the issue was that in FY14 the Town of Princeton received $55 per pupil from Ch. 70 while no other city/town received less than $1,000/pupil.
--The Board paused the discussion and took a vote on nominating and electing a clerk. The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to make Richy the Clerk of the Board of Selectmen.
6:56 PM   Nina left the meeting to attend the Public Records and Open Meeting Law training scheduled for Town Officials in the Cafeteria.
The Board discussed asking the following key questions:
  • FY2014 why did other cities/towns receive at least $1,000 per student, where Princeton only received $55 per student. Maybe request the FY14 determination with Princeton’s MLC.
  • Summarization of the formula and application, especially to Princeton.
Tim indicated that he may suggests other questions.

7:13 PM         The board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator and Richy Bisk, BoS Clerk

BOS Referenced Documents:  Memo’s by Advisory Committee members on Ch. 70 inequity.