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2017-03-20 BOS minutes
Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 20, 2017 – 5 PM
Board of Selectmen – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, and Jon Fudeman plus TA Nina Nazarian.

5:15 PM   Stan opened BOS meeting in the Town Hall Annex. Several police officers were in along with Admin. Assist. Maureen Lynch as the chief couldn’t make it, to support Ms. Holly Dole for appointment to a part time police officer. Selectmen referred to a memo from the police chief recommending the appointment of Ms. Holly Doyle. The group asked her about her background—she had been a dispatcher in town and most recently was a state trooper in Conn. as a homicide detective. The Board voted all in favor to appoint Ms. Holly Doyle to the position of part time police officer for a term ending June 30, 2018.
5:30 PM  Group discussed buildings plan (Bagg Hall, Public Safety Complex, Annex, & Princeton Center) with Chris Conway, Dave Hilton, Bill Lawton, and Steve Mirick present. Edith had met with them previously. Chris related an architectural plan done by Keith Chenot in 1999 which identified the same issues being identified today—back then a survey was done to set priorities. The work didn’t get done at that time for reasons unclear. In 2002 Bagg Hall had some brick repointing done. Most recently, HKT Architects provided a summary of tasks and estimated Bagg Hall renovation to cost out at $3.5 million. A facilities committee worked from June 2015 to April 2016 and submitted a recommendation for full restoration of Bagg Hall. The annual town meeting approved spending up to $65,000 for a Bagg Hall feasibility study. Chris recommends enlisting an architectural or design firm to come up with options.
        Steve M. insisted that Bagg Hall structural issues must be addressed. He’d like to see building maintenance as a line item on the annual budget, similar to road repair, of at least $150,000/year.
5:55 PM  Stan read a proposed article to sell underutilized assets—up to five building lots—to pay for capital improvements. Group agreed an RFP for design work requires a scope of work and cost could be up to $100,000. Chris C. mentioned he was working on getting an example of a 10 year master plan for facilities maintenance from the town of Easton that includes targets and dates.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to move forward with the idea to transfer the funding of $65,000 for Bagg Hall and add $35,000 from other accounts to cover the possible RFP cost at Town Meeting. Discussion turned to replacing Bagg Hall windows for about $150,000 plus 10 – 15% contingency in case of PCB caulking problems being discovered. Edith noted that the Infrastructure Stabilization Fund has almost $600,000 which could be supplemented with the land sales which could bring up to $500,000. Steve M. puts the highest priority on the sinking corner of Bagg Hall, plus first-floor windows and the chimney. He described applying gauges, costing about $40 each, that can measure the corner to see if it’s still sinking or has stabilized. Additional discussion will follow as the Town Meeting warrant takes shape.
6:35 PM  Selectmen noted a MOU (memo of understanding) with PMLD and switching street lighting to LED lights which will save 25 percent. They voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to sign the MOU with PMLD to switch street lights to LED. They also voted all in favor to appoint Anne Littlefield to the Board of Registrars for a term from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2020. They voted all in favor to ratify a vote approving use of the Town Common by the Farmers’ Market, as presented in the PFMG’s proposal dated February 6th.
        Discussion turned to the citizen’s petition submitted by Jon F. and Stan and Edith suggesting that the issue should be studied first because it makes major changes in the Advisory Committee. Stan outlined a proposal to create a five-member ad hoc committee to look into possibly changing the Advisory Committee. He insisted there were flaws in the proposed article and that he would argue against it at the ATM. Nina suggested seeking advice from the Form of Government Committee offered by the Mass. Municipal Managers Assoc.
Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to contact them and pursue their counsel.
Board agreed that BOS Code of Conduct should be adopted by all appointed boards and committees, although elected boards may choose to do so but are independent. Selectmen agreed it could be included in the personnel policy currently being re-worked, and could be addressed at a future date.
Selectmen and the Fire Chief had reached an agreement on his contract, so selectmen voted all in favor to sign the contract as presented for a term from March 2017 to June 30, 2018.
7:10 PM  Nina outlined the progress of the Fire Station 2 roofing job, and the group working on it comprised of Chris Conway, Jim O’Coin, Phil Connors and Steve Mirick. To cut costs, they had agreed to a roof design with shingles on the upper section and metal on the lower.  She explained a snafu by the lowest bidder which resulted in the second bidder being chosen at $97,000. With the $100,000 appropriation voted at the 2016 ATM, the funds are not sufficient to include design and construction.  Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to use $15,000 from the Town Building Maintenance Program funds (special appropriation) to cover project costs.
7:15 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Mr. Gregory Dowdy and Ms. Laura Pease to the positions of Inspector of Animals for a period between May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018.
        Nina reviewed her T.A. report and noted the Fire Dept. stepped up to help clear snow last Tuesday during the blizzard, as DPW was under-staffed. She commended the Highway staff on a good job as well though the entire winter. Selectmen send their regards and thanks.
Board voted all in favor to approve minutes as written for Feb. 28, March 6, March 13 and March 16.
7:20 PM  Stan moved and Jon seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:
A. Exemption Three – To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an
open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the
public body and the chair so declares – Police Union.  In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”


7:42 PM Selectmen adjourned from executive session

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin.assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Proposed article to sell underutilized assets: MOU (memo of understanding) with PMLD; citizen’s petition submitted by Jon F.; proposal to create a five-member ad hoc committee to study the Advisory Committee; BOS Code of Conduct; Fire Chief contract.