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Jan. 4, 2017 w/Cable Adv. Cmte.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – January 4, 2017 – 6:30 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – CAC Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan with Jon Fudeman present; and TA Nina Nazarian.

6:33 PM   Stan opened meeting in the Town Hall Annex. Cable Advisory Cmte. members present to review the IAR—Issuing Authority Report Stan M. and CAC Chair Darcy Rowell reviewed the purpose of the meeting and what has been done so far.
        Stan considered questions from the public. Darcy noted that the IAR was a draft and was not posted online, however it would be once it goes out to Comcast and Charter. Mr. Lamb asked about possibility of FFTH project re-surfacing and Stan explained it was highly unlikely given sentiment at Town Meeting. In answer to a question about timelines, Darcy suggested a review of the CAC webpage for dates and timelines as known to date. She then gave an overview of the IAR.
John Shipman raised a question on the “standard installation” of 350’ (from street to house) and suggested the BOS negotiate that houses with less than 350’ have excess be available and donated to another with over 350’.
        Selectmen thanked the CAC, noting that the work done was exemplary, and asked for public comment. Wayne Adams asked if the CAC/BOS would consider input, as he had a list that he could send immediately. The Board and CAC agreed to take Wayne’s comments and suggestions into consideration.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to send the IAR in its current form, with minor edits as necessary to Special Counsel.

8:16 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, TA Nina Nazarian

BOS Referenced Documents:  draft IAR