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Jan. 3, 2017 Budget Mtg.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – January 3, 2017 – 5:00 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Budget Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan with Jon Fudeman present; and TA Nina Nazarian.

5:03 PM   Stan opened meeting in the Town Hall Annex. Advisory Cmte. members present were Wayne Adams, George Handy, John Shipman, Jim O’Coin and Bill Lawton with Don Shoeny absent. Group focused on capital needs and the immediate issue is fire alarm panels throughout the government campus, except library.
Group discussed emergency generators, as it’s a different situation in each town building. As example, library has one manually operated; police have one with automatic transfer switch; highway has a trailer mount, etc. Nina reported a firm is being engaged to work with Phil C. to review all generators.
Phil Connors described campus issues including septic system, shared by the four buildings with a tank under the west parking lot and a leach field down by the bandstand. Pipes clog on occasion and need inspection. George Handy noted that a camera scope of the pipes costs maybe $135./hour. It was also pointed out that only about 30 parking spaces service the campus, and all buildings host staff plus meetings and visitors both day and night. The annex needs exterior painting and group considered using inmate help from the sheriff’s office, since they recently cleaned and reinstalled windows at Town Hall and library. Possibly Monty Tech could repair/replace roof on back side of Annex. Phil explained his situation of seeking a heated space for a carpentry shop. He currently shares Annex garage with Police Dept. and uses inadequate spaces in other town buildings. Nina stated that she has collected estimates from department heads as to costs for these upgrades, but they are really guess-timates to get the process started. Repointing the east face of Bagg Hall and propping up the sagging northwest corner foundation could be over $200,000, plus new doors are needed. Window replacement (30) could be $150,000. Custom-crafted hip shingles on the bandstand are falling off and will need replacement.
6 PM  Discussion turned to Princeton Center and need for roof replacement. Price for slate unknown but an asphalt replacement could be $100,000. The building needs new heating and plumbing, and water quality is a problem. Phil noted that the scope of repairs at P.C. is so broad that fixing individual problems—one by one--might be pointless. Selectboard and Advisory Committee agreed that a comprehensive strategy regarding P.C. must be decided before more money is spent on it. In other departments, it was reported that the fields at T.P. School need drainage repair. The Town Hall vault requires a climate control system. Jon F. brought up bridge repair in E. Princeton as another capital expense.
Nina stated that 5 year capital list is not complete as it is an initial draft, that limited IT and computer costs are included, along with Mechanics Hall and Krashes Field not being represented. She added that under the Community Compact, a professional can help with an analysis, to be considered at an upcoming meeting.
6:40 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to forward the FY2018 Requests for Capital Improvements to the Advisory Committee so they may review the requests and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen on funding the request, and if recommended for funding, what funding source to use. Selectmen also asked the Adv. Cmte. to review the operational budget for consideration at a future joint meeting.
Resident Michael Shore suggested creating annual appropriations as a framework in the town budget as is done in business. Also could fund building upkeep the same way the town funds road maintenance. Phil C. stressed the urgency around Bagg Hall masonry and window replacement.
To accommodate the charge given the Advisory Board, BOS agreed to hold off budget discussion at Jan. 9 meeting. Stan asked Adv. Cmte. if they could come up with time frame for recommendations and meet after January to discuss. Since WRSD is about half of the town’s budget, the Selectboard must wait until they submit their budget, possibly as late as April. WRSD Administrators are scheduled to come in for budget meeting on Jan. 30.
Jon F. wants to bring in the OPEB actuary, town’s auditor, and the Director of the Worcester Regional Retirement System in to present to both boards.
6:55 PM  Selectmen received application for Adv. Cmte. seat from Judy Dino. As group wishes to use process approved at last meeting they will forward two applications—Mr. Bill Holder and Ms. Dino--to Adv. Cmte. chairman which then has up to three weeks to send recommendation to BOS who then decide. Some reiteration from the last meeting ensued about Bill Holder’s comments to The Landmark.
7:10 PM  Jon summarized his financial report and noted the town’s strengths, such as stable tax rate and revenue and excess levy capacity. He said then things drop off, such as paying the County Retirement Fund for past years due and debt service which is not in audit report. He wants to see a stronger financial culture and have Adv. Cmte. take more responsibility and address all town’s liabilities, not just general fund. This would include PMLD, and response from other selectmen was the need to check with legal counsel. Jon would like to see a change in how Adv. Cmte. is appointed, as most other towns have them appointed by the moderator and not the BOS. Jon also suggested a change with the method in which PMLD came to authorize the windmills. Stan pointed out that the PMLD had joined a regional collaborative which excluded it from town meeting approval for their work. Jon said that loophole should be addressed.  Jon went on to describe recommendation from the auditors’ report, and how some are applicable but some are not. Based on a request from Stan, Nina will check with counsel on the 3 changes suggested by Jon.
7:40 PM  Mark Fiandaca from Friends of Mechanics Hall was in and said he will soon have an architectural plan/report from a consultant which his group has hired. Nina explained how the building is now being closed for all interior use as per the advice of building inspectors and fire department. As an abandoned, structurally unsound building, it will have the red warning square with an X affixed to the front, to prevent firefighters from entering in an emergency. Mark F. noted that his group is considering all options and understand the need for this unfortunate action.
7:55 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Sawyer Johnson at minimum wage to clear/shovel snow around town buildings this winter. They also voted all in favor to have Nina post a request for applicants to the position of part-time veterans agent as presented, with a minor change that the wages be up to $26./hour, DOQ.

8: PM  Voted all in favor to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.
BOS Referenced Documents:  Financial reports from Nina N.; reports on Mechanics Hall; Veterans Agent Job posting.