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2016-10-19 S.B min.Exec.Sess.

   Town of Princeton, Mass. – Oct. 19, 2016 – 6:30 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Executive Session Minutes
Present:  Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman with T.A. Nina Nazarian

Executive Session

8:02 PM  The three selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session, to consider requests from Fire Chief John Bennett. Nina recapped the facts that Bennett currently has no contract and is requesting his annual part-time salary increased from $30,000 ($2,500/month) to $35,000 and a three-year contract.  
        Jon commented on how FD was running smoothly. Stan agreed, although the group discussed how a 16 percent raise was high. They considered a number of ways to review the chief as well as FD operations. They went over the various options in great detail and concluded that they’d offer Chief Bennett $3,300 extra for a one-year contract beginning July 1, 2017.
8:50 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session without returning to regular session, with Jon making a motion to adjourn, Edith seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Stan each saying “aye.”
Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, town administrator

BOS Referenced Documents:        Salary table of fire chiefs.