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2016--07-25 S.B. min. Exec.Sess.
   Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 25, 2016 – 5 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Executive Session Minutes
Present:  Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman with T.A. Nina Nazarian

Executive Session
6:30 PM  The three selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session. Nina reported that Fire Chief John Bennett is requesting his annual stipend increased from $30,000 ($2,500/month) to $35,000 and a three-year contract. Stan noted that his management style reflects military organization and that he went to Norwich Academy but did not serve in the military. He has EMT certification but not paramedic. Board discussed facts such as Mr. Bennett’s full-time job at FlexCon and some seasonal work at the ski area, and hours and duties of other Fire Dept. staff. Group noted that a 16 percent increase was a lot to qualify. Edith wanted to see a rundown of everyone’s job in the Fire Dept. and questioned giving all of that $5,000 increase to one person. Nina suggested that the Board ask to meet with Mr. Bennett so that he may present his case and provide them answers to their questions. A wage study has not been done lately for the F.D. The selectmen felt that a better option may be to conform to the cost-of-living 2% that other employees get, or a flat $1-2,000. Nina suggested having Bennett in for discussion before considering any increase. Nina will tell Bennett that he will be scheduled for a BOS meeting after September and consider raises after that. Marie will survey other towns for salary info on fire chiefs.
        Regarding the appeal of the ZBA decision supporting Hubbard Farm that was filed by Bob Grettum, the town has been notified that Mr. Grettum has filed a pro se with Land Court and will represent himself.

6:50 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Stan making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Stan each saying “aye.”
Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:       Correspondence to Land Court from counsel and others regarding pro se filed by Robert Grettum