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Dec. 5, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – December 5, 2016 – 5 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN w/ Advisory Committee
– Budget Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss and Edith Morgan present, and Jon Fudeman absent. TA Nina Nazarian present. Advisory members present were Bill Lawton; Jim O’Coin; John Shipman; George Handy and Don Schoeny.

5:20 PM   Stan opened meeting in the Town Hall Annex. Binders containing budget requests, department info and spreadsheets, calendar etc. were distributed. Nina noted that some projections were unavailable this early, such a WRSD. It’s also too early for any recommendations from the T.A., given that the presentations by Department Heads had not yet been made. Jim Dunbar was in to explain the debt schedule. He noted that last year saw a tight “cash crunch” due to the major road upgrade on Route 140. Both Chapter 90 and MassWorks funds were reimbursed in an amount over $1 million, but only after the expenditure by the town. A bond anticipation note (BAN) will be rolling over from the broadband project and the group discussed options and the progress of cable franchise vendors, although there are no binding commitments yet. Jim reported on Fieldstone Farm remaining debt, which will be paid in three installments, the first is in the amount of approximately $483,000, and the following two are in the amount of ~$83,000 each. The $400,000 LAND grant has already been received by the Town, and will be used to pay the bulk of Princeton’s 1st payment.
Discussion turned to logic behind certain columns within the spreadsheet, having to do with past and future debt, for the Police Dept. following a question from George H.  George also questioned debt service from WRSD as missing from the town’s sheet, noting how much debt service is an integral part of town budgeting and these obligations must come first. Nina explained the strategy behind where specific financing/debt info is listed. George commended the team for putting together all the documents as the result was very comprehensive. Minor changes to the Treasurer/Collector page were explained as $500 more for actuary service for municipal OPEB and $300 more for collecting software.
Group was told that town accountant works 25 hours/week but workload demands more time and 30 hours is being requested. This prompted a discussion on what employee benefits added up to in dollars, including health insurance which the town pays 80 percent, and Worc. County Retirement. Retirees receive 50 percent of health insurance paid by town. There is no new accounting software coming until an IT study/analysis is completed. Mention was made regarding the town’s salary budgeting, each year has a different number of work days, last year there were 261 workdays, compared with 260 this year.
Nina reported that town counsel fees will be up, anticipated for slightly more than one year, due to special counsel for cable franchise work and $25,000 is being budgeted for the firm of Epstein & August.
Nina updated the Advisory members on the meeting she attended with the MBI recently, indicating that the requirement is that all 41 towns participate in their Request for Proposals (RFP) process to obtain the MBI (MassTech) construction grant funds unless the Governor permits a waiver. Previously the BOS was in favor of the recommendation to request a waiver, but placed the final decision in the hands of the TA, based on her discussion with Mr. Peter Larkin – the Town did not ultimately request a waiver.
It was noted that the cable companies have mentioned having agreements with MBI concerning the grant, as has occurred in other towns. Stan recommended that anyone interested should read the RFP on the MBI website, and also see FAQs.
In other departments, Nina mentioned how IT upgrading is a high priority but not in the immediate future—maybe FY’19. A new item on the Building Dept. page is a breakdown of the revolving account. Also, Nina explained that Phil Connors had previously been paid 50 percent from Highway Dept. and the other half from Town Bldg. Operations but only did snowplowing for Hwy. His salary is now full-time from Bldg. Ops. and extra time plowing is paid from Hwy. Snow & Ice budget. The salary for Jami Deloge is split among three departments: Cemetery, Highway and Bldg. Ops., with Highway only paying extra time for snow plowing. Money has been budgeted for a Classification/Compensation study. It was mentioned that the only staff with contracts are the T.A., fire chief, police chief and highway supt.—which represents the only increase in the Hwy. Budget. Also, the only labor union in town is the police union. Some discussion rose around the overtime costs of between $16,000-$20,000 so far from the Marcotte murder case. Budgeting for Ambulance Readiness was not yet available, but Stan explained about 3rd-party billing, the EMT staffing and coverage and how they get paid. The animal control officer is paid under regional agreement with assessments from Barre, Rutland and Princeton.
Nina reported that she attends monthly meetings with the other four T.A.s at the school district and they share info on capital projects and future capital spending. She also outlined how the lease agreement is progressing and explained the disparity with some towns getting reimbursed for water/sewer and others not getting anything even though maintenance costs are always pending with on-site wells and septic systems. A final draft of the lease agreement hasn’t been signed yet.
There has been a slight decrease in the retirement expense and Veterans Services, as recipient numbers are low. Nina said the Vets Agent Karen Greenwood is planning to retire in January. Health insurance costs are rising but have been mitigated in Princeton by the fact that Tufts will no longer cover Princeton employees, given too few clients. Costs will likely rise for FY’19 however.
The two boards will meet with police and fire chiefs for budget discussion on Dec. 12, and with Highway, Road Advisory Committee, Cemetery, and Library on Dec. 19. Nina encouraged the group to take note of any departments with whom they wish to discuss budgets and they will be invited to an upcoming joint budget meeting—slated for several coming Mondays at 5 p.m.

7:25 PM  Selectmen voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Binders compiled with budget requests, department info and spreadsheets, budget calendar