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Town of Princeton, Mass. – November 9, 2016 – 1:30 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. TA Nina Nazarian also present.

1:15 PM   Stan opened meeting in the Town Hall Annex. Nina updated the Board of Selectmen on the meeting she attended with the MBI earlier in the day, indicating that the requirement is that all 41 towns participate in their Request for Proposals process to obtain the MBI construction grant funds, unless the Governor permits a waiver. The Board was in favor of the recommendation to request a waiver.
Edie passed out the Board of Selectmen’s code of conduct which is on the Town website and asked the Board to vote to approve the code of conduct (presumably adopted by a prior board). The board agreed to take some time to review it.
Edie also passed out a draft of information which she suggests that be worked into the financial health document. Jon mentioned that he thought we should report on the Chapter 70 inequity in the financial health document, for example. Edie suggested that we work out the financial health document to go out ASAP, and not wait to compile a larger document to include Ch. 70 issues from the state. Edie suggests that the document focus on the Town’s healthy financial status and it be released sooner rather than later, then another document can be prepared to discuss other financial issues that affect Princeton.
Discussion on Bagg Hall, Jon explained the idea that we could ask for $500,000 at Town Meeting to make repairs to Bagg Hall (window replacements, repointing, etc).
The Board discussed the goals, Nina encouraged the Board to agree on measurable goals. The current goals and measurements presented were:

  • Financial health document - published report
  • CATV - proceed through the franchising process/CATV franchise license issued
  • Town facilities
  • Facilities Operations committee - implemented and functioning
  • Short Term Bagg Hall options - ID capital spending required for further action by TM
  • LT Plan - identify elements and options to be addressed
  • TA task list - completion of priority tasks
  • IT committee - implemented and functioning
  • BOS/Town management communications strategy - established and implemented
3:00 PM  voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

BOS Referenced Documents:  Code of Conduct; and Edie’s draft of information for Financial Health

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department