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Town of Princeton, Mass. – November 3, 2016 – 4:00 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. TA Nina Nazarian and a resident present.

4:06 PM   Stan opened meeting at Princeton Center in the Kitchen. The group discussed management of the Town. Stan provided a summary of the last meetings discussion. Nina updated the Board that she anticipates having a recommendation & candidate for the Council on Aging/Princeton Center Manager position at the next regular Board meeting.
Jon asked what the other Board members expect for the financial health document that he is working on. Edie suggested that it include information about OPEB and borrowing capacity. Edie also indicated that she wanted to make sure that the Treasurer/Collector, Accountant, and Town Administrator were involved in the report. Stan provided an update on the WRSD FY18 Budget Roundtable meeting, providing a summary of the issues he presented, which he felt should be incorporated into the financial health document. Stan indicated that he would supply the information to Jon in writing. Jon described the information that he gathered at the recent Massachusetts Selectmen’s Association Meeting. See email sent by Jon to Selectboard.
The Board discussed Bagg Hall. Jon said that Bagg Hall is high on his list to be addressed. He suggested a smaller project than a full renovation (including window replacements, repointing, the settling in the northeast corner, and possibly some space configurations). Edie was in disagreement indicating that the overall costs would be greater and/or there would be a loss in opportunity if a more comprehensive approach was not taken.
The Board discussed improvements to communication with the public. Jon suggested using social media sites, based on his attendance at the Selectmen’s Conference. Stan suggested a communications budget for next year. Stan suggested a potential goal that the Board develop and implement a BoS/Town Mgt. communication strategy. Jon suggested involving more volunteerism by residents, which led to extensive discussion on staffing levels/organization.

6:55 PM  voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

BOS Referenced Documents:  Ongoing work items prepared by Town Administrator; email by J. Fudeman re: Selectmen’s Association Meeting.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department