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Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 31, 2016 – 5:15 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. TA Nina Nazarian also present. Unless noted otherwise, Jon F. initiated each motion, seconded by Edith, in the following votes.

5:15 PM   Stan opened meeting at Princeton Center as four students from WPI came in with resident Clair Degutis. They are completing a project through November to create a “virtual tour” of Princeton online, integrating photos, videos and historical content. They have collaborated with the Arts Council and Historical Society and the library is providing them with work space. They will be evident around town shooting pics, etc., so selectmen suggested they submit their license plate info to police staff in case residents call in about suspicious activity. Stan invited them to check in anytime with selectmen.
5:25 PM  Group reviewed grant applications and voted all in favor to authorize Nina to submit annual Fire Dept. Emergency Management Performance Grant application for $4,200. They also voted all in favor to authorize her to sign the application for a Massachusetts Cultural Council Annual Grant for $4,400 and to give retroactive approval to sign PMLD Memorandum of Understanding for LED Street Lighting Accelerator Program.
5:30 PM Nina reported on the bid opening for Keyes Brook bridge and the board voted all in favor to award the Route 140 Keys Brook Bridge Repair contract to R. Bates & Sons, Inc. for $21,000 and authorize the Town Administrator to sign the contract.
She also outlined several job openings—three for Highway Dept. which in two cases require a Class B license and in one case a Class D license. Town also needs one IT specialist to replace Jamie Smith. Board voted all in favor to post the advertisement and position descriptions for Truck Driver/Heavy Equipment Operator, Seasonal Winter Employee (2 positions), these will be initially posted internally for seven days before getting posted externally. Jon F. suggested posting jobs on the Princeton NextDoor site and creating a Facebook page for Princeton. Nina agreed with the idea, assuming they were posted externally, indicating that if we begin posting to Nextdoor, we should do so consistently. Group discussed part-time Information Technology position and the way neighboring towns are regionalizing for this. Nina is checking with other departments and how they address IT, such as the library and public safety; she indicated that it would be great if there was a town resident who had these qualifications.
With Stan abstaining, Edith and Jon voted to authorize Nina to post the IT position.
5:50 PM The Board voted all in favor to appoint Ms. Thelia “Terry” Thompson of Redwood Drive as an election officer. They also voted all in favor to post an opening on the WRSD Audit Advisory Board for a 3 year term to replace Phil Mighdoll who recently resigned. Selectmen will send letter of thanks to Phil for 10 years on the board.
Nina reported on search for special counsel for Cable Licensing process and has received submissions/proposals by firms/individuals and Jon offered to help review them. Group also considered recent request from Charter to meet with BOS; Darcy Rowell has contacted the DTC to review what is acceptable/legal given that the requested meeting date is after the deadline for submitting applications.
Nina provided update on Community Compact best practices for IT; HR and financial, and noted that town may receive state grant of $10,000 to pay for assessment and inventory and long-term plan. She commended Larry Greene Sr. for staying on top of grant opportunities.
Interviews are continuing on Tuesday with two candidates for Council on Aging director/Princeton Center manager, from original pool of ten individuals selected from 19 applications.
Group discussed search for principal assessor since Jamie Smith is gone at end of year. Stan described software and how town is on DOR cloud right now, but is slated to move from CAMA Software to a new application from Tyler Technologies, with minimal increase in cost with a seven-year contract.
It was reported that MassDEP is reviewing the Town’s request to make a modification to the reporting requirements of the landfill, and move to a quarterly report.
6:12 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to accept minutes for Sept. 7th, Oct. 17th, 19th including executive session (not to be released), 25th and 27th.
6:15 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to reconvene the tax classification hearing continued from Oct. 17. Tim Hammond from the Board of Assessors explained the proportion of tax revenue coming from residential properties is 96 percent; personal property is 2.38%; commercial is 1.27% and industrial is .33%. he explained that revaluation is set every three years although one-sixth of the town is actually re-assessed each year. They voted to close the public hearing at 6:20 PM.
Board then voted all in favor to set tax classification at factor of one (1).
6:25 PM  Nina updated group on personnel policy and stated that the new HR consultant will conduct training for employees on anti-discrimination/sexual harassment in the workplace, scheduled as mandatory for all staff on either Tuesday, Nov. 15th at 7 PM or Wed., Nov. 16th at 9 AM, both in Fire Station #2.
It was noted that Police Union Contract negotiations will commence on November 30th, with her and Chief Powers and George Handy present.
Nina toured Mechanics Hall last week and observed egregious code violations such as no plumbing and ceiling collapsing. She believes it cannot be used at this point.  Selectmen voted all in favor to have John Wilson inspect it at his earliest convenience and provide an assessment and recommendation about its use. The Friends of Mechanics Hall will be invited to accompany him.
6:28 PM  Group reviewed correspondence from WRSD about future capital improvements the district anticipates for each town. Selectmen agreed to ask Mountain Barn about setting Wednesday, Dec. 14 for the town staff/volunteers holiday party. They voted all in favor to schedule an executive session to discuss the town administrator contract, at a date/time to be determined.
6:45 PM  Signed Warrants FY’17–9 and voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Grant applications; correspondences from WRSD; MOU from PMLD; job postings w/requirements

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department