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Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 19, 2016 – 6:30 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. In the following actions, all BOS votes were preceded by a motion from Jon F. and seconded by Edith M. unless noted otherwise.

6:30 PM   Stan opened meeting at Princeton Center with Cable Advisory Committee: Darcy Rowell, Lane Ware, Phil Gransewicz, David Union, and Paul Caneen —all introduced themselves. Stan provided overview of cable licensing process and group discussed research the CAC could do to prepare BOS for negotiations. Darcy has spoken with Michael Male at Dept. of Telecom. & Cable (DTC) about items the town insists on: 100 percent coverage (of properties having availability—PMLD customers); drop lengths from street at 350’ and quick build. Darcy distributed a CATV Licensing Process timeline she had created. There was no template available for a ”Issuing Authority Report” (IAR) according to DTC.
        Stan reported that make-ready work should be complete by summer of 2017. Discussion turned to various town licenses and IARs, e.g. from Amherst, Dunstable, Greenfield, Westminster & Southboro. Group also talked about band-width and the back-haul. Part of the policy from MBI has changed and the section was read out loud. Ensuring the town has leverage in the contract was brought up, by using a performance bond, etc. Stan noted that the town engages legal counsel and the CAC would need to go through the T.A.; Phil Leaman and John K. also could be resource. A question was raised about the IAR being a legal document or simply a scope of work; Phil G. read the Southboro IAR Table of Contents.
        Stan mentioned that T.P. School gets broadband from Merrimack Education Collaborative and Darcy added that cable providers must service government buildings. She asked that all correspondence be copied to BOS, CAC and T.A. and asked members to pick a specific area to focus on.
        Selectmen discussed rationale behind their choices for the CAC members. Jon F. reported that he did not vote for the individuals who were chosen except for Darcy, adding that three of the candidates were initially and outwardly opposed to a cable franchise. Edith expressed frustration over Jon’s stance, but Jon noted that two selectmen agreeing on all their choices was a real long shot—as the chances were 792 to one for any two selectmen to choose the same five people for the CAC. Stan then summarized his reasons for selecting the CAC members. The Advisory Committee has requested justification in writing for their choices from the BOS, and Jon’s is pending. Edith asked for Jon’s list for the CAC and Jon voiced an explanation.
        Larry Greene Sr. asked to pass over the Thompson Road/Grow Lane item.
                Selectmen went over parameters for the goal-setting sessions—that meetings be in town buildings, with Edie suggesting the Advisory Committee attend and the meeting be recorded and attended by media coverage. Edith suggested uninterrupted discussion of the BOS and T.A. and anyone attending could write down questions. Jon asked if there was a way to get public input on the goals—Edith noted that getting the word out and getting input posed a challenge. Larry G. Sr. suggested that the public could be given a chance to comment on the goals after they are established. Dates for the goal-setting sessions are 4 PM on Oct. 25 and 27.
        Stan moved, Jon seconded and board voted all in favor to replace the old sexual harassment policy with the new version, previously reviewed.

8:01 PM  Stan moved and Jon made 2nd to go into Executive Session and not return to regular session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:  Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Fire Chief contract—and adjourn from executive session. In roll call they each said “Aye.”

See separate minutes

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Sample IAR docs from towns;