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2016-10-03 BOS mtg. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 3, 2016 – 5:20 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. In the following actions, all BOS votes were preceded by a motion from Jon F. and seconded by Edith M. unless noted otherwise.

5:50 PM   Stan opened meeting at Princeton Center and board addressed appointments. Hollie Lucht from Sterling was the candidate chosen for Parks & Rec director (P/T). She briefly outlined her experience with numerous organizations including four years with Little League. Selectmen voted all in favor to hire Hollie for a 19-hour position to start Oct. 11. Nina reported that the candidate chosen for COA director had withdrawn and selectmen voted all in favor to pass over the appointment.
6:02 PM  Bruce Jacobson was in to discuss replacing the fence at 194 Worcester Road. Selectmen noted that town counsel and Hwy. Supt. Glenn Lyons advised against installing anything permanent on town property—on the road right-of-way. Steve Stimson from Gates Road, who is a landscape architect, spoke about how other communities handle this and often welcome privately funded plantings and trees on public property along roadways. Group agreed to have Nina facilitate a meeting with Steve S., Bruce J. and Glenn L.
6:20 PM  Board then considered a seat on the Conservation Commission. Member Brian Keevan was in with candidate Rachel Catlow, whom the commissioners have recommended. She is highly qualified as a GIS coordinator for the City of Gardner Engineering Dept. Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Rachel to the ConComm for a term through June 30, 2019.
6:27 PM  Board considered unspent funds retrieved from WRSD as their budget was lowered and the assessment for Princeton’s portion was also lowered. Rather than lower the tax rate (which was something that the Town has learned recently that it can do), Nina suggested spending it on infrastructure needs such as Bagg Hall repairs and Edith agreed. Stan expressed the same opinion and outlined how taxes were level for several years in a row up to the past couple of years. Jon F. favored lowering the tax rate since the ATM vote to approve the original WRSD budget was a vote for spending on the school district and nothing else.
On a motion to leave the tax rate alone and not lower it, Stan and Edith voted yes and Jon voted no.
6:30 PM  Board discussed a budget calendar and Stan advised starting it sooner so that it could be wrapped up three weeks before the ATM in May. Nina will put a schedule together with the Advisory Board.
6:33 PM  Group has set Oct. 27th evening for goal setting and either Oct. 24 or 25 for a daytime retreat at Harrington Farm. Resident Bill Holder questioned having the retreat at a private venue, as it’s perceived as being a closed/private meeting, even though it’s posted and open to the public. There was some discussion and Stan pointed out that as a posted, open meeting, anyone can attend but there will be no public participation.
6:45 PM  Group discussed Cable TV Advisory Committee to be formed as 12 applications have been received. Selectmen agreed on having no more than five members but all submissions had not yet been reviewed. Stan listed three main goals: reach every household; shortest timeframe possible; use an average number for the lateral distance to each house. He noted that the town would be collecting a cable franchise fee. The legal notice soliciting applications from franchise vendors was printed in today’s T&G, and DTC has already approved the two waiver requests (for posting). November 3 is the deadline for vendors to send in the $100 and application materials. After Nov. 3 the town has 60 days to outline what will be required. The new advisory committee will be charged with crafting the franchise contract, using models considered successful from other communities.
Selectmen wanted to appoint the new committee ASAP, but Edie had not received the email containing the applicants, and Stan was not going to be available after Thursday until the week of October 17th, so they agreed to an “emergency” meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 5 PM in Princeton Center. Resident Paul Caneen of Sam Cobb Lane had submitted a resume and wanted selectmen to know he was unable to attend on Wednesday but outlined his skills. He’s been collecting other towns’ contracts and has had much experience writing them.
6:55 PM  Nina reported outstanding vacancies in the Agricultural Commission, Cultural Council and Historical Commission. Selectmen then voted all in favor and signed deeds to sell cemetery lots 151 A&B in Woodlawn Cemetery for a total $1,200 to Steven and Janna Goodnow.
7:05 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the town administrator to enter into contracts for Hubbardston Road repair/resurface with low bidder E.H. Perkins and same work on Grow Lane with low bidder P.J. Keating. They also authorized the T.A. to spend up to $20,000 for consulting work for Fire Station #2 roof repair and Bagg Hall chimney/boiler, authorizing the Town Administrator to sign a contract with Dore & Whittier Architects, Inc..
        Larry Greene Sr. reported that two bridge projects are being planned and one has a grant pending with application due Oct. 31. Bridges over 20’ wide can get federal funding. Selectmen extended gratitude to Larry and his team for all their work.
        Group had reviewed anti-discrimination policy and voted all in favor to send it to the Personnel Board and consider adopting it at the Oct. 17 BOS meeting.
7:15 PM  Selectmen considered enlisting an HR counsel on demand for non-union employees. They noted the town’s Personnel Policy is from 2008 and needs updating. After going over the contract for Lighthouse Legal Counsel LLC, they voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to enter into a contract with the firm and pay a retainer, $8,000.00 quarterly.
        Nina presented info about RAD classes, that Melissa Braconnier had voluntarily began the conversation on this subject, now coordinated by the Police Dept. (Rape Aggression Defense system) being planned for Oct. 28; Nov. 4; Nov. 18; Dec. 2.
        Stan said he would be attending an Eagle Scout ceremony with Troop One on behalf of BOH for Samson Goodnow. It will be Saturday, Nov. 26 at 2 PM at the Congo Church. Stan will present a certificate of recognition.
        Nina announced that Treasurer/Collector Jim Dunbar has attained “Certified Mass. Collector” after passing the course and test recently. This achievement has traditionally resulted in a $1,000.00 annual stipend—most recently to Town Clerk. Nina suggested this issue should be addressed in the Personnel Policy, as a question came up about which/when/how account to use. Selectmen favored paying this year, and requesting funds from the Reserve Fund, which requires approval of Advisory Committee.
        Nina noted that requests are out for a principal assessor to replace Jim Smith who is leaving after Dec. 31. The town also needs an IT person for the software side of town computer networks. Plus, Highway Dept. needs two part-time snowplow staff and one full-time employee.
7:30 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to allow the T.A. to sign the ‘Rule 16 Certification” f the Monsanto case and the PCB/caulking issue. Group discussed request from Mark Ayotte to come in and discuss his WiFi business. Selectmen agreed to put him on the agenda for the Oct. 31 meeting.
7:40 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes from Sept. 6 & 19; signed warrants.
7:45 PM  Stan moved and Edith made 2nd to go into Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:  Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion
personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion
personnel – Fire Chief contract—and adjourn from executive session. In roll call they each said “Aye.”
See separate minutes

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Resume of Hollie Lucht; Applications from candidates for Cable Adv. Cmte. and Cons. Comm; cemetery deed; memo from G. Lyons; road repair contracts; anti-discrimination policy; HR Counsel proposal.