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Aug. 22, 2016
   Town of Princeton, Mass. – Aug. 22, 2016 – 5 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present along with T.A. Nina Nazarian and residents. . In the following actions, all BOS votes were preceded by a motion from Jon F. and seconded by Edith M. unless noted otherwise.

5:00 PM   Stan opened meeting at Princeton Center. Nina explained how the BOS could not get firm advice about borrowing within or excluded from Prop. 2 ½ for the broadband project. Leverett was not a similar model because their project had been funded by taxpayers and Princeton’s will be funded by subscribers. She and Jim Dunbar have been researching but its uncharted territory to their knowledge and the Division of Local Services agrees that it is not a straightforward issue. They also consulted bond counsel and the Town’s financial advisor. Discussion then turned to the money articles and amending them on the floor at Town Meeting if the moderator allows. George Handy and Wayne Adams from the Advisory Board were in, and George asked about revolving accounts and enterprise funds.
        Under ‘new business,’ a request was considered from the State Police wives group and town resident Alicia Setaro to mount blue ribbons around and about the town center—maybe 50 total for a month or so—to show support of law enforcement personnel. Selectmen voted all in favor to approve.
        They also voted all in favor to accept a gift of $100 to the COA from Realtor Laurie Kraemer and a $100 donation for a senior BBQ from Fidelity Bank. They voted all in favor to continue WiFi service at Krashes field which is donated by Ayacht at a value of $79/month.
5:25 PM   Nina described that the Town had received 26 applications for the P/T Parks & Rec staff position and the P/T COA and PC Mgmt. position which received 19 applications. Interviews are being set up pending formation of interview panels.
5:32 PM  Board voted all in favor to accept the current version of their WRSD lease agreement subject to resolution of the water and sewer issue, in which Princeton would be paid a fee for maintenance of the T.P. School on-site systems equivalent to what the district pays towns that have municipal water and sewer. Sterling has only municipal water. Nina pointed out that several issues are being addressed in the new lease that will even the playing field among all towns, going forward.
5:38 PM  Jon F. brought up an issue of “confusion” around town finances, and having to take convoluted steps to get answers about certain funds. He listed several pending financial burdens on town residents, such as from PMLD, adding up to many millions. Nina explained that these are not debts, but obligations, and some are not required yet, and some may change. Princeton is funding its OPEB (other post-employment benefits) which is not yet mandated, in contrast to many other towns and even WRSD.
        Stan M. noted that of all pending obligations, the only one the BOS has control over is the town’s OPEB, and it’s been getting funded.
        Resident Bill Holder had volunteered to research town finances and he reported that when towns defer payments of non-mandated obligations, the annual cost goes up exponentially. A required retirement liability must be funded by 2040 and if done right away, and not deferred, the town can take advantage of compounding. Nina explained that the Town is funding retirement liabilities through required assessments from the Worcester Regional Retirement System. Bill Holder said the WRSD is not funding its OPEB adequately and it will catch up with towns when it becomes a state requirement.
        Resident Phil Gransewicz pointed out that state mandates can change and it may be better to pay into these programs on a step-by-step basis and not too far ahead, as those who do sometimes get burned—as when delinquent towns get amnesty. Stan noted the local landfill-capping mandate (from some years ago) as an example.
6:20 PM  Nina reported that the TP School floor repair had hit some snags, with moisture problems and additional costs associated with addressing cracks properly, but change-orders to fix them will not put the project over-budget. It should also be completed on time.
        George H. asked about the lease agreement threshold, which has been increased from $25,000 to 35,000. This is the point at which maintenance by the district becomes a capital expense project by the town. The lease should have a schedule for annual inspections by reps from both sides.
        Referring to the roof repair slated for Fire Station #2, Nina reported that two architectural firms have submitted proposals. Christine Trudeau from PMLD noted that Monty Tech students were enlisted for the labor portion of a roof repair at the PMLD facility, which saved a lot of money. Also, inmates from WCC did painting.
6:23 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes from July 28; Aug. 8 and Aug. 16 and approve  but not release exec. session minutes from Aug. 8.
6:30 PM  Board voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Correspondence from S.P wives group; Ayacht; donations to COA; meeting notice from CMRPC; invitation from NCM Chamber of Commerce; WRSD lease agreement

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department