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April 25, 2016 - Exec. Session
Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 25, 2016
Executive Session Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN w/ Fieldstone Farm   

Executive Session
4:05 PM  The three selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session. Present for Fieldstone Farm were Charlie Wyman, Tom Sullivan and Deb Cary     Selectmen repeated their desire for a parcel suitable for future municipal use, such as a public safety or community center complex, and the need for a firm proposal as a warrant article for ATM. Stan read the placeholder for warrant Article #23 which requests funds from infrastructure stabilization to purchase 20 acres at the Fieldstone Farm. Charlie assured the boards that Audubon is prepared to bridge the gap if revenue from house lot sales doesn’t come in before the planned closing date. The Fieldstone group reported they were about $225,000 short of their fund-raising goal of $750,000.
Parcel D is preferred by BOS and was described as having about 20 acres set back more than 300’ from Hubbardston Road and connected with a 50’ wide ‘driveway’ strip. There was some explanation for Advisory Board members about how only half the acreage is upland and buildable; the back half slopes down into wetlands. Charlie noted that the town had an informal “right of first refusal” if any offers came in for Parcel D. With a recent attempt to market it, there was interest in it from potential developers but no offers, at an asking price of $149,000. It’s been estimated at a maximum value of $150,000 if sold as a single-family house lot, and there’s been no interest from developers in building a road for a 6 – 8 house cluster under the OSRD provision in zoning—the only other option.
        It was noted that fair market value for the single-lot 10-acre (usable) Parcel D was probably $120,000.
4:35 PM  Fieldstone group left the room for deliberations and Advisory Board announced that they were officially in session as a quorum was present. BOS discussed an offer and decided the 50’ access width was too narrow for municipal uses, as industrial subdivisions may require 60’ – 80’ for a ‘boulevard’ style access/egress with wide travel lanes separated by an island strip Boards decided to make an offer and BOS voted all in favor to offer $120,000 with the access strip widened to 100.
4:50 PM  Fieldstone group returned and Nina outlined the offer. Charlie countered that the APR and Purchase & Sale agreements have already been established using the 50’ width. The bare minimum the town would consider was 60’, and BOS re-voted the offer to say ”with an access drive at least 60’ wide.” The Fieldstone Group will bring the offer to their decision makers and see if the access can be widened to 60.’ Selectmen insisted that the town needs a written agreement from the Fieldstone Group for an article at ATM.
Edie pointed out that if Lot D were sold to the town for around $120,000, a stabilization fund (for infrastructure) could be used, and the fund could then be replenished, after broadband needs are met, with sales of underutilized assets.

5:02 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Stan making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Stan each saying “aye.” They returned to open session.
Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department