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April 19, 2016 - Exec. Session
Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 19, 2016
Executive Session Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   

Executive Session
7:04 PM  Selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session.
        Nina N. described history of negotiations with Fieldstone Farm Working Group. Advisory members discussed the merits of purchasing municipal land intended for a new public safety building--weighing pros and cons--and if or how such a project would meet the town’s future needs.
7:42 PM  Advisory Board adjourned and left meeting.
BOS discussed staff salary issues and voted all in favor to increase salaries of three non-union, non-contract town employees as recommended by Nina N. Specifically, at the DPW, Ken Chapman has taken on mechanic’s responsibilities and an increase of $.50/hour over the 2% COLA is suggested. For Jami Deloge, a rate adjustment of $2 to make it $17./hour is suggested. Also the Library Trustees request for 5.69% increase for the director should be set, instead, at 3.43 % for FY’17, in line with the highest merit increase already given in one year (for the Hwy. Supt.). Nina recommends this threshold because the town currently lacks a compensation classification, which could set different parameters for pay increases. Selectmen agreed that without a compensation classification, any merit increase over 3.43 % would be unfair to others.
8:03 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session and adjourned, with Jon making a motion to adjourn, Edith seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Stan,  Edith and Jon each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, T.A. Nina Nazarian

BOS Referenced Documents:  Town salary spreadsheets.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department