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May 5, 2016
  Town of Princeton, Mass. – May 5, 2016 – 4:30 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Mtg. Minutes  

See separate Executive Session minutes

5:01 PM
        Stan made the motion and Edie seconded, to accept the proposed offer of a 50 foot wide access roadway, with 225 feet of frontage, for approximately 10 acres of the so called proposed Parcel D, for a purchase price of $100,000.
Tom said that if the Town came to them and asked for a better radius on the entrance, they would be agreeable when we do the final survey.
        Wayne asked if there was a plan to sell any other land. Tom pointed to the so called Parcel C, where he anticipates that there
        Stan asked if we could scan and get the plan ready for town meeting. Tom asked that it include a note that the boundaries are not exact.
        Nina asked what would happen if there was a profit made, where the profit funds would go. Tom mentioned that the working group said that they would issue two audited financial statements, one from Princeton Land Trust, and the other from Mass Audubon; they never said that they would not make a profit.
        Tom asked for clarification as to who would be presenting at town meeting, that the working group would be neutral to this project since they will move forward with the project regardless, and if asked at town meeting would say the same.
        John Shipman brought up an editorial comment which was in the Landmark regarding land purchases.
Tom Sullivan left at 5:20 PM.
        Stan provided the AB an update with regard to comments he has received regarding the WRSD budget. The Boards discussed the correspondence. The Boards discussed logistics for Annual Town Meeting. The Board also discussed the Advisory Board member terms.
5:54 PM Stan made a motion to adjorn, Edie seconded.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

BOS Referenced Documents:       Page 1 of 3 of a Plan of Land in Princeton, MA prepared for Massachusetts Audubon Society, Inc. dated April 25, 2016.