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April 14, 2016
  Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 14, 2016 – 3 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Mtg. Minutes  

3:05 PM  Meeting was called to order at the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss & Jon Fudeman, also T.A. Nina Nazarian and Advisory Board member Wayne Adams
        The departmental requests (including schools) for FY’17 budget presents an overall increase of 5.33 percent over FY16. The WRSD budget request is an increase is 5.6 percent over FY16. According to George Handy Town wages are up about 4 percent. According to Stan the last version of the Revenue Sheet from last week needs to be corrected, adding $15,000 from the state. Group discussed OPEB funding (Other Post-Employment Benefits). For past six years it’s been funded from free cash; the original intent was to double-pay for 30 years. Nina recommended that the budget be at least 95 percent complete by April 25.
3:30 PM  According to Stan regarding the school budget, the town can take the stand for approving items that are state mandated but chose not to accept the increase in the operating budget. Selectmen believe the current requested budget will not meet approval from Paxton and Rutland, and Princeton is considering whether or not to be included in that decision.  Last year the budget was decreased in a compromise action after Rutland and Paxton refused the initial figure, and Princeton saw excess funds without having to re-vote the total. If Princeton does not approve the total this year, and it again gets reduced, the town will have to re-vote acceptance of the amended budget. Selectmen considered the likelihood and cost of a STM for that purpose. They also noted that town may spend funds on their own property, the school building and anything tangible/physical associated with it.
3:50 PM  Selectmen are trying to keep the road budget at $350,000 as it was some years ago. The two boards approved all capital request items on the list, up to the town building maintenance. The funding for environmental monitoring of the landfill, Town Hall campus, Highway Barn and TP School is at $106,000 and shouldn’t need further funding, but Tighe & Bond will be contacted about possible future needs. Stan suggested that the returned road budget funds of $79,000 could be considered part of the $350,000 total for the year. BOS could recommend giving half of it back ($40,000).
        The Board discussed the idea of a Bagg Hall renovation or repair. Chapter 70 may return some funds to town. The HKT Architects report included a total renovation of Bagg Hall at a total cost of about $4 million with $560,000 estimated in design cost (not including other soft costs such as oversight and Owners Project Manager). The Advisory Board has suggested a simple repair of Bagg Hall as the cost is too great considering all other capital expenses pending, from Fieldstone Farm to broadband. Wayne A. noted that his board is looking at the debt service for all these projects.
4:40 PM  Selectmen then voted on particular capital items they will support for the warrant, announcing each from a list. Some items will be combined into one account, as per Nina’s recommendation. With this list totaling $522,000, subtracted from current free cash at $849,000, it leaves a total $327,000.
        Nina explained three options for Bagg Hall: 1) provide moneys for feasibility study with a schematic design, for $60,000  2) fund a portion of the design or 3) fund all of the design. Selectmen want to find out if voters will get behind a $4 million project.
        Selectmen voted all in favor for option #1 at $65,000, from free cash, and to transfer from free cash, $100,000 into the infrastructure stabilization fund and $50,000 into general stabilization.
5:09 PM  Voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  List of capital expenditures approved for warrant; Summary of FY17 Budget Requests/Draft Revenue Projections; FY17 Capital Items List; Draft May 10, 2016 ATM Warrant

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department