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March 7, 2016
  Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 7, 2016 – 4 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Mtg. Minutes  

4:03 PM  Meeting was called to order at the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss with T.A. Nina Nazarian plus representatives from the Fieldstone Farm working group.
        Selectmen went into executive session. Stan moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Six - To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.  Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that the Board would enter into executive session to discuss Fieldstone Farm and return to regular session after adjourning.

See separate Executive Session minutes

4:45 PM Selectmen returned to regular session and considered Berube Food Trailer parked at Mechanics Hall. They had just received a letter from John Wilson that outlined zoning violations: a non-conforming lot, the change of use on a municipal-owned lot and multiple uses on a single lot. Jim Hillis of Hobbs Road asked which zoning bylaws apply here, noting that MGL Ch. 40 specifies a special permit for change of use. Rud Mason said that BOS can issue a license for a use on municipal property which circumvents town meeting approval for change of use on municipal land.
        Jon F. asked why truck couldn’t be parked on Berube-owned lot on other side of the commercial lot, but that would be multiple use (residential plus business) on single lot as well. He expressed frustration about a messy, difficult situation for a truck that can be easily moved. Bob Berube wanted to be reassured about getting support from selectmen which is useless if he’s wasting time going for a special permit or variance that’s not approved. Issue of similar situation regarding uses and leasing of town property at Princeton Center was noted by Phil Mighdoll. Regarding the zoning map, Sean Conway said the map error was reported back in 2007 but was not corrected at that time. A letter from town counsel recommends that a 2/3 vote at a town meeting is needed to change use of municipal property.
5:27 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to take no action until the Planning Board or ZBA have taken action on the matter.
        Historical Commissioners came in and read, in part, a “Policy on Use of the Town Grounds and Town Common” which noted that any change of use (there) will be referred to the Historical Commission.
5:27 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adopt the policy as presented.
Eagle Scout candidate Sam Goodnow came in with photos and plans of a cedar bench he crafted that’s intended to replace two dilapidated benches now at Dingman Park, across from Prince of Peace Church. Commissioner Joyce Anderson stated that board has been working hard on the policy document and hadn’t yet discussed this bench project.
        Discussion proceeded about the merits of one versus two benches, the size of the new bench, its relationship to the open space at Dingman Park, Edith suggested ornamental shrubs or trees to frame the bench. Some noted the option of locating it at Krashes Field or Princeton Center. Sam G. will return for next BOS meeting after searching other sites for the bench.
        Advisory Board filtered in to address department budgets.
5:55 PM  Mary Barroll, Library Director, in for Library Department FY17 Expense Operating. Budget. She pointed out a $300 increase due to MARS fee going up. She reported that roof problems were discovered when Stanley contractors were asked to check the Library roof from their bucket lift while they were repairing Bagg Hall recently. Both slate and asphalt shingles are involved and some need replacing, before leaks occur.
        Library Trustee Jane Weissman explained the charge of her group and of the Friends of the Library group, which is mainly involved in programming.  Her trustees have held capital campaigns in the past for projects that wouldn’t be covered under regular operating expenses. She did note that the trustees do work together with town officials in making upgrades and improvements to the Library.
6:15 PM  Andy Brown, cemetery superintendent, came in for Cemetery FY17 Expense Operating Budget and Capital Request with Lynne Grettum. Discussion turned to need for new dump truck, as 1996 model currently in use is failing and considered unsafe to drive. If Andy can get a hand-me-down from the Highway Dept., the increase proposed for maintenance in the budget can be removed. Hwy. Supt. Glenn Lyons outlined rotation of vehicles in his department and stated that a newer one-ton can move to the Cemetery Dept. and his department can purchase or lease a new one-ton as the replacement fits into an ongoing schedule.
        Selectmen announced they would take the Cemetery budget request under advisement.
6:35 PM  Glenn spoke about his Highway FY17 Expense Oper. Budget and Capital Request, explaining how the salt/sand line item is currently ahead at $30,000, while last winter it ran a deficit, as is not unusual and is one budget item allowed in state regulations to run a deficit. Previous advice was to increase snow & ice budget slightly each year. This year it will be reviewed and considered if an increase is appropriate and possible.
6;50 PM  Meeting began with School Committee Representatives Bob Imber & Megan Weeks to discuss FY17 Wachusett Regional School District Budget Proposal. There was reference to the Budget Book which was distributed by School Administration. The District seeks to restructure payments from towns to quarterly rather than the current twice per year, to improve cash flow and eliminate the need to borrow, which is done now to bridge gaps. Nina stated that the Town Treasurer has confirmed that the quarterly assessment payment proposal would work for the Town.
        Stan brought up issue of the regional agreement, referring to research that indicated that WRSD is only one in state in which the School Committee decides on changes to the regional agreement. Bob I. noted that school committees are independent of select boards. Megan said she’d relate any issues selectmen have to the superintendent. She described a strategic planning process now being completed, with a report scheduled for June. It was facilitated by a consulting group; the previous five-year plan lacked clear goals and hadn’t been consistent.
        Bob I. said the major hurdles for the school committee are class size; technology; facilities and materials/supplies. George Handy asked Bob if he knew the Foundation Budget (state) parameters for class size, and Bob didn’t know but said he’d look into it. There was discussion about class size. District Business Manager Joe Scanlon released copies of the Foundation Budget earlier in the day—too late to consider at this meeting. It sets the total WRSD budget at $43 million; the request is for $52 million.
        Dave Cruise pointed out that communities with their own schools (not regional) have better fiscal constraints, since control is more direct. Bob I. said the Foundation Budget is a mess and the formula it uses is flawed.
7:35 PM  Both groups insisted the solution lies with the state legislature and town officials must keep demand their attention; selectmen stated they continue to do that. Stan criticized the district as just spending more money every year, submitting budgets that continuously get rejected, and it’s not sustainable. He said the town is committed to being sustainable.
        Megan and Bob said the schools are trying to build back late busses, school counselors in middle school and computer equipment. They said the 5.5 percent increase is due to health insurance, salaries, SpEd and transportation.
Megan challenged anyone in the room to pick out any line items that could be cut. Stan wants to see a three-year history added to the budget request. The three groups thanked each other for the opportunity to communicate.
8:15 PM The Advisory Board adjourned and left along with the School Committee members.
Selectmen voted all in favor to approve request by Friends of Mechanic’s Hall to hold their Annual Meeting outside
Mechanic’s Hall on June 14, 2016 at 6:00 PM. They also voted all in favor to approve re-appointment as inspector of animals: Laura Pease and Greg Dowdy, for a one-year term starting May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017.
Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes of Feb. 22 and March 1; they signed Warrants FY’16-18. Nina presented a few items of correspondence.

8:20 PM  BOS voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Violation letter from John Wilson; Letter from town counsel; Policy on Significant Changes Regarding the Grounds of the Town Government Campus and Common; FY17 budgets from Library; Cemetery Dept.; plus WRSD Budget Book and Wachusett Regional School District Budget Proposal

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department