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June 18, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – June 18, 2015  -- 6:30 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   Minutes  -  Contract Meeting
6:30 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Jon Fudeman and interim T.A. Robert Reed—later with Mickey Splaine
Executive Session
Selectmen immediately went into executive session. Stan M. made a motion: “I move to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapt. 30A, Sect. 21, (a)2 “Contract negotiation.” and not to reconvene into open session” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Jon voted “Aye,” Edith voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that “the Board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to contract strategy since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town.”
        Bob R. said he’s spoken to Mr. Splaine several times and Splaine wanted a revised proposal that essentially equals what he gets at his current state job plus more minor perks. The proposal the BOS had offered set salary at $90,000 and the salary Splaine was leaving at the DOT position was about $97,000. Stan said he’d talked to (former selectmen) Neil Sulmasy and Joe O’Brien amd insisted that the numbers in the Lebeaux T.A. contract are all in the FY’16 budget and BOS cannot justify getting reserve fund transfers to cover more than that. He suggested offering Splaine the Lebeaux contract as is.
        Jon F. indicated that he wanted to meet with Mickey individually and “see where he’s at” before negotiating anything, and Stan said we (selectmen) are elected to make a decision and not hold stuff up. Stan noted that continuing a new T.A. contract at the level of the former T.A. was a strong statement of support and that matching the existing, budgeted contract was as positive an action as BOS can take.  The board decided that various stipends and expenses, when added up, would boost the salary figure closer to what Splaine was asking.
6:53 PM  Mr. Spaine came in and Stan pointed out that Town Meeting in May voted a budget for T.A. salary of $93, 912 plus benefits and $1,500 for disability insurance; $1,800 for automobile allowance; $1,200 for technology/phone allowance. It was also noted that John L. started at a salary of $82,000 which increased to almost $94,000 in seven years.
        Splaine had questions about Part C ‘General Expenses’ and wanted more disability coverage than was in the Lebeaux contract. The board discussed options around disability. They also discussed percentage annual increases, how there were no raises in some years because of the ice storm etc. and raises varied because of changing responsibilities. They also noted the dangers of setting a precedent. By committing to specific annual raises up front. Also, a cost-of-living raise had been added to the FY’16 T.A. contract. Splaine asked for vacation days and sick days to be available immediately and not wait to accrue them before using them. Stan outlined one week vacation up front and a few sick days, noting that the board couldn’t consider what Splaine made in his previous job as any criteria for what Princeton could provide. He warned against over-riding the FY’16 budget (as voted) or the personnel policy as it may not be legal or be a wise precedent.
        Jon F. shared a spreadsheet which arranged the numbers for salary and benefits over the three-year contract going forward, and compared totals with Splaine’s state job over the same period. Further research indicated that the actual salary line on the FY’16 budget on the warrant was set at a maximum of $95,000, so the figures indicated a difference of only a few dollars annually in comparing Splaine’s former job with the Lebeaux contract. The BOS conceded an up-front availability of one week (five days) vacation and three sick days.
7:40 PM  All parties agreed to the contract, with the same contract in effect except adding “subject to the prior approval of the board” at Sect. VII, C.; adding “mid-January to mid-April” to Sect. VI, A. for no time off. Plus, the annualized base salary was set at $95,000 until June 30, 2016. Selectmen agreed to sign the contract at the June 22 meeting and Splaine said he’d give two weeks notice and could probably start July 6. The board noted that they have an annual retreat in August or September to craft both short-term and long-term goals for both T.A. and BOS.

7:55 PM  Stan M. made motion and Jon F. seconded to adjourn from exec. session. Edith M., Stan M. and Jon F. voted “aye” in roll call vote to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: T.A. contract sample and spreadsheets for three-year salary budget.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department