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Nov. 17, 2015 Exec. Session

 Town of Princeton, Mass. – Nov. 17, 2015 -- 4 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Exec. Session Mtg. Minutes  

4:05 PM  Edith called BOS meeting to order. Present were Jon F., Stan M. and the Fieldstone Farm Working Group members Ron Thompson for ConsComm; Tom Sullivan for the Princeton Land Trust; Deb Cary and Charlie Wyman from Audubon.
        Selectmen voted to go into executive session. Nina distributed aerial photo maps and conceptual plans of potential development at F.F. Tom S. distributed a matrix of funding sources and noted that the DCR commitment from the ski area land acquisition fund is down to $500,000. Now land sales must bring in $600,000--the group had anticipated only needing $250,000 from land sales. Tom outlined latest plan for limited development on Parcel A (3 acres); Parcel B w/ pool, which is 2 lots including existing farmhouse; Parcel C on corner with Calamint Hill with 7.9 acres and Parcel D. Its layout may be flexible. The DCR staff currently controlling use of the “mountain” fund is not as accommodating as previous staff from five years ago. If necessary, Audubon can finance purchases up front and get reimbursed after land sales.
        Nina explained the value to the town of Parcel C, with frontage on two town roads--it’s favored by police and fire chiefs with easy through-access for large vehicles. She presented the BOS offer for Parcel C, using an average price per acre on the entire farm, a total $50,000 for five acres which is added to the $250,000 town contribution.
4:35 PM  Tom said Parcel C is most desirable to develop, and has received requests from small-scale developers already. BOS wants to know what’s in it for the town. The F.F. Group reiterated the open space goals as listed in Master Plan and updated Open Space Plan of 2014, all of which included preservation of F.F. Also, much support from residents has been evident for saving both Four Corners and F.F., they said. The F.F. group notes that a municipal building/facility may not fit into the ambiance of the farm property, but Edith pointed out that municipal structures can be modeled after barns or some appropriate style in the vernacular. Stan said he’s gotten feedback from residents and 4 out of 5 are cranky about the $3.1 million price tag and want to know, “what are we getting out of it?” Charlie insisted the whole package of conservation/recreation land is compelling.
        Nina said the BOS needs a response to the $50,000 offer so she asked that the two boards deliberate separately.
5 PM  The two boards split, with F.F. Group going into small room. Jon F. explained that he’d prefer town getting an option on some land, rather than owning outright before an actual need is clear. Selectmen discussed possible benefit of asking F.F. Group to offer a parcel for town use. Edith wanted to negotiate for Parcel D, which is about 20 acres of backland accessed by a 50’ wide entry along the side of a hayfield.
        Selectmen discussed issue of directly communicating with real decision-makers, the boards of directors at Audubon and the Land Trust. It had been assumed that the F.F. Group were the real decision-makers. Nina will ask the F.F. Group to present a proposal to their boards, for the town to get C or D or A.
5:30 PM  The two groups re-convened. Nina asked about Parcel A and Charlie talked about ‘conservation objectives” possibly trumping the sale of house lots or any development. Nina told them no real negotiation is possible as the F.F. Group must answer to their boards. Tom explained that the selectmen’s offer of $50,000 is too divergent from expectations, and that’s why the F.F. Group cannot act alone on it.
5:40 PM The two groups split up again to deliberate. Stan pointed out that it’s not $50,000, it’s $300,000 that town is paying. Nina noted that at the F.F. Group’s request, the BOS may want to put pressure on DCR through different political channels.
5:55 PM  Groups re-convened. Selectmen offered to communicate with DCR to loosen up the mountain fund. That DCR backing down was disappointing to all parties. BOS reiterated that the town’s total contribution is $300,000, not $50,000. There was discussion about absolute upper limit of $100,000 (beyond the $250,000) that the town can provide and consider taking 5 acres of Parcel D; or $50-100,000 for Parcel A at 5 acres. This was possible because the town’s Infrastructure Stabilization Fund might cover some of the $50-100,000 and avoid borrowing or a tax increase.
        Charlie and Deb will bring proposal back to Audubon. BOS offered to seek support from elected officials including Lew Evangelides, or Henry Beth who is executor for the fund, but will wait for information from the F.F. Group prior to initiating the conversations. F.F. will try to make progress with DCR first. Meetings will be posted to deal with responses, for Nov. 23rd at 4 PM & 24th at 10 AM (if needed).

6:27 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Stan making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Stan each saying “aye.” Selectmen returned to regular session.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant
BOS Referenced Documents:  F.F. maps/lot plans, funding matrix

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department