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Oct. 5, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 5, 2015  -- 6 PM

The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss and T.A. Nina Nazarian.

6:00 PM – Road Advisory Committee Chairman Larry Greene Sr. was in to update selectmen on projects. He distributed a six-year road plan based on annual town funding of $225,000 to $350,000 and $347,401 annual Chapt. 90 state funding. The big project right now is widening and reconstructing Route 140/31 north from East Princeton. Their ongoing program is to ensure the main arteries don’t fail. The next jobs will be Grow Lane and Calamint Hill North. The engineering plans for rte. 140 are 80 percent complete and June 30, 2016 is the construction deadline as per grant requirements. It will need 34 poles moved back and 4-ft. shoulders created and a total estimated cost of $1.73 million. Larry discussed repair of Keyes Brook bridge and funding issues. Some discussion ensued about ‘chip seal” and other methods of preserving road surfaces. Edith noted that the BOS appreciates the 19 years Larry has served on this committee—a unique and effective group not seen in other communities.
6:30 PM – Planning Board members came in: Tom Daly, chair, & board members Rud Mason and Rich Bisk. Tom talked about the request from Verizon to co-locate cell receivers on the new public safety tower. He deferred to legal opinions from Town Counsel Judy Pickett and John Mirick, who have been communicating on this issue. A variance from ZBA may be needed as commercial use on the tower is not allowed as per zoning. Tom also explained the proposed Adult Entertainment bylaw as limiting that use to the town’s Business/Industrial zones. Members then outlined options for sale of houselots at Fieldstone Farm such as Open Space Residential Development, a ‘friendly’ 40-B such as senior housing or Backlot Development. These sales are intended to help subsidize purchase of the farm for open space.
6:50 PM – Selectmen considered a Historical Commission appointment and voted all in favor to appoint Lawrence Todd of 270 Thompson Road, for a term ending June 30, 2018. They considered a request for a seat on the commission from Geoffrey Yaglou but decided to take no action until he is compliant with zoning and outstanding court order. Selectmen will consider changing Historical Commission member number from seven to five.
7 PM – Hubbard Farm has donated about 70 cu. yds. of cedar bark mulch to the town, worth about $3,000. The board voted all in favor to accept approximately 60 – 80 cu.yds. of natural bark mulch from Hubbard’s Farm with a value of up to $3,500.
7:05 PM – On Sept. 23, bids were opened for the Highway Dept. winter road sand. Selectmen voted all in favor to award the lowest bid for winter road sand to Simpson Companies for FY’16. The invitation to bid offered an option to extend the supply for two additional years.
A waiver from the public bidding process was sought and received from the Div. of Capital Asset Mgmt. and Maint. for a new boiler at Princeton Center, as it’s an emergency. The board voted all in favor to authorize the town administrator to enter into a contract with ACE Temperature Control, Inc. for the replacement of the boiler at Princeton Center for a value up to $15,595.
Nina reported that the town’s antiquated bylaw requires that the board must authorize any contract greater than $200. Selectmen will consider proposing changes to Town Meeting such that the section is consistent with thresholds in the procurement laws.
7:10 PM – Board discussed Town Hall walkways which have degraded. The goal is to replace the crumbling composite ‘bricks’ with granite pavers and cut the cost by purchasing direct from a quarry, possibly keeping the total labor cost under $10,000 which is under the procurement threshold. The board voted all in favor to expend up to $19,000 to replace the front walkway of Bagg Hall with granite pavers and to authorize the town administrator to enter into a contract for the same purpose.
7:15 PM – A contract for Bagg Hall Roof repair has been drafted and is being reviewed by town counsel and a technical review group including Steve Mirick, Chris Conway and Phil Connors. Bid documents will be available on Oct. 7 and bid opening scheduled for Oct. 22. Selectmen agreed to meet on Monday, Oct. 26 to award the contract and move forward quickly.
Selectmen voted all in favor to move BOS meetings from 6 PM to 5 PM.
7:20 PM – Selectmen discussed Fieldstone Farm and need to schedule Special Town Meeting in December to meet LAND grant deadline at end of 2015. It was noted that the Fieldstone Farm Steering Committee has not come forth with a funding plan yet. Nina recommended forming a team to prepare funding options that will be presented to both boards. The ad hoc team will be Treasurer Jim Dunbar, Adv. Bd. Chair John Shipman, and Nina. The board voted all in favor to appoint Stan M. The town provides $650,000 and the LAND grant reimburses $400,000 within a 45-day turnaround. The selectmen want to have the Fieldstone Farm Steering Committee in at a BOS meeting.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to set Special Town Meeting for Dec. 15 to consider the LAND grant.
7:30 PM  Edith recommended scheduling the selectmen’s goal-setting dinner for Nov. 5, starting at 4 PM at Harrington Farm. Discussion moved to crafting a disclosure letter to explain the gift value from Harrington Farm. This issue will be finalized at next BOS meeting.
7:37 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from Sept. 21 regular meeting and executive session from Sept. 21 without releasing them. They signed Warrants FY’16 – 7.

7:45 PM  Selectmen then went into executive session. Stan M. made a motion: “In accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 30A, Section 21, I make a motion to enter into executive session under Exemption 2, to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel, and under Exemption 3, discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares, only to adjourn.” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon Voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that “the Board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to contract negotiations since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town.”

8:15 PM  Selectmen reconvened from executive session. They voted all in favor to authorize the town administrator to sign a general release and indemnification with Terra Environmental principal Shelley Hammond.

Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents:  Six-year road plan; letters from Historical Commission and Hubbard Farm; chart of Sept. 23 bid openings; Princeton Center boiler outline of work; general release and indemnification document;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department