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July 27, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 27, 2015  -- 6 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   Minutes  -  Regular meeting
6 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and interim T.A. Robert Reed—Jon Fudeman was absent.
Stan read a list of election officers submitted by the town clerk. Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint the roster for a one year term from July 27, 2015 through July 27, 2016.
They then considered appointment of Karen Rossow to Open Space Committee and voted all in favor to appoint her for a term to June 30, 2018.
Selectmen reviewed changes to the contract with Interim TA Bob Reed, essentially scaling down hours/week, and voted all in favor to sign the amendments to the contract.
Selectmen voted all in favor, and voted on each one individually, to approve minutes without releasing executive session minutes, for the following dates:  June 16; June 29; June 29 exec. session; July 13; July 13 exec. session; July 14.

6:10 PM  Facilities Planning Committee members were in: Chris Conway, Steve Mirick and Beth Mellor. Selectmen expressed a need for an understanding between the committee and the BOS as to what the “charge” actually is. Bob R. noted that the T.A. could be taking care of lesser maintenance issues that the committee is identifying.
        Steve M. and Chris C. reported that there are serious lapses in building management and maintenance that need fixing before any planning for space use can go forward. One issue is that multi-year service contracts should be adopted, such as for HVAC in all town buildings—a three-year contract with a single vendor was recommended. Also, fire alarm systems are not being monitored at the annex, Public Safety Bldg., the library or Bagg Hall. A roofing consultant has indicated that Bagg Hall has some rafters splitting in the roof support and water is infiltrating on the east side and around the chimney. Two contractors have checked it out and have offered estimates for repair. Design and engineering services, or emergency repair, up to a certain threshold, would not require a bid process. The first step, an engineer’s review, could cost about $1,600. It was noted that repair and restoration work should be bundled with any major upgrades like an elevator or addition, to save money.
        With a vacancy on the Fac. Pl. Cmte., members asked about appointing Larry DeBlois, but Stan M. pointed out that the selectmen needed to receive a request and some qualifications from anyone seeking a seat, and Larry had not submitted anything to date.
Selectmen agreed that the committee will communicate through the town administrator, going forward, and these suggestions would start the process. They thanked Steve and Chris for all their time and effort researching the buildings and infrastructures.
Bob R. read a letter to Fire Chief John Bennett from Roger Vaughan, 12 Boylston Ave. He had donated proceeds totaling $500 from a yard sale to the Ambulance Fund in gratitude for the emergency staff support he received when his wife died three years ago.
        Selectmen signed Warrants FY’16 – 3

6:50 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents: Amendments to interim T.A. contract; list of election officers; letter from Roger Vaughan

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department