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July 13, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 13, 2015  -- 6 PM
Board of Selectmen  --  Minutes
6 PM   The BOS meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex along with Advisory Board.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Jon Fudeman and interim T.A. Robert Reed.  
Board voted all in favor to appoint Christine Trudeau for Advisory Board for a term to end June 30, 2018; voted all in favor to appoint Ann  Neuburg as Planning Board Alternate for the term 7/1/15 – 6/30/16.
Stan read out load the letter of resignation from Mickey Splaine and after some discussion, voted to accept the resignation and pay him for three days on the job.
        John Kowaleski submitted a Broadband Update and read the highlights, as make-ready work has officially started and John K. noted that now that money is in play, he will provide a status report each month.
        Princeton Land Trust Chairman Tom Sullivan in with Charles Wyman from MassAudubon and John Vieira from Cons Comm. They need BOS support with a letter to start application for LAND grant for the 294 acre Smith (Fieldstone Farm) property, and are requesting the BOS appoint a steering committee. ConsComm is the official applicant, and Town Administrator will be listed on the application as project manager/contact for the grant, going forward. The option offered to the Smith estate is for $3 million--good for one year.
        The group noted that the Smith Farm is a high priority for protection/conservation in the 2007 Master Plan as well as the more recent update of the Open Space/Recreation Plan. Tom S. said the town needs to allocate $650,000 of which $400,000 would later be reimbursed by the LAND grant. Initial costs for due diligence would be covered by PLT and Audubon. The group is looking for Planning Board assistance in determining a plan for house lots to sell and defray costs.
        Edith announced that the timing couldn’t be worse, with the broadband initiative currently spending town funds and loans pending for that. Plus, town building upgrades are being determined by the new Facilities Planning Committee. Jon F. asked all parties to consider funding broadband versus the Smith property and added that broadband is the top priority right now. Jon F. asked what percentage of applications for LAND get funded and the average is 50 – 75 percent.
        Group discussed a special town meeting in the fall that may be needed for broadband funding. An article for land acquisition would specify $650,000 contingent upon LAND grant awarded for $400,000. It was noted that the former tax bill under Chapt. 61 was about $4,000 and it is currently around $16,000. Selectmen do not want to resort to a STM but anyone can call one after collecting 200 signatures from registered voters.
        Stan M. expressed disappointment at the last-minute nature of the request, as the application is due in Boston on July 17, this Wednesday and no town boards or officials were contacted or included up until this meeting. Tom S. explained that the negotiations were confidential until June 17 when they closed the deal with the Smiths after five years of discussions. Jon F. says the PLT needs to get the Advisory Board involved. Stan pointed out that the timing of a fall STM is critical because it impacts the tax rate, ReCap sheet etc. Tom S. noted that other entities are interested such as Worcester Water Dept. and DCR.
        Selectmen talked about setting aside some acres for a public safety facility, insisting that something must be given back to the town. It pas noted that almost 40 percent of the town was protected open space, although public surveys have consistently shown that open space is a top priority among residents. About 40 acres are active agricultural land with prime soils, and some fields have grown in and must be reclaimed. Tom S. promises a monthly update. Selectmen preferred Annual town Meeting as the proper place to vote on a capital expense or loan, but May is much too close to the July deadline for the completed grant application. Plus, the group can petition a STM with the 200 signatures for any time of year. An early November STM seemed most agreeable.
        His group submitted a motion, which Stan moved with one edit, deleting “the chair of” from (b), so as to read: “That the Board of Selectmen (a) authorizes the filing of an application to the Local Acquisitions for Natural Diversity (LAND) grant program of the EOEEA for purchase of interests in Fieldstone Farm, (b) authorizes the BOS to execute a contract with the program if the application is approved by the commonwealth and the purchase is authorized by Town Meeting, and (c) names the Town Administrator as project manager for the application.” Selectmen voted all in favor. Edith M. agreed to act as liaison with BOS, PLT and Audubon.
8 PM   The board voted all in favor to approve the minutes of July 7 and July 22. They thanked John Kowaleski for all his time and effort analyzing data and creating reports for the Broadband Committee. John K. discussed the need for a ”point person” or manager or clerk-of-the-works for the make-ready and future broadband construction, and offered to do it for the first month—selectmen will designate someone after that.
        They voted all in favor to renew a contract for a one-year extension with Radio Oil, for gasoline, heating oil and diesel fuel. They also voted all in favor to sign a non-discrimination document from MassDOT

8:55 PM  After a motion by Stan and a second by Jon F.the board took a roll call vote with Stan, Jon F. and Edith M. saying “Aye” to enter into Executive Session to consider purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property as well as  contract negotiations; and adjourn without going back to open session.

9:25 PM Board voted all in favor to adjourn from Executive Session

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: Letters requesting board appointments; resignation letter; Broadband Update; proposed motion; materials, maps & photos from PLT and Audubon;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department