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June 3, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – June 3, 2015 – 2 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   Minutes – Final interviews for town administrator
2 PM  The meeting was called to order at in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chair Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Jon Fudeman and interim Town Administrator Robert Reed.
        Mickey Splaine came in first and Edith M. asked about management style and how to deal with difficult selectmen or staff. He talked about forming relationships with peers, staff and department heads, how you have to see what the needs are—everybody’s different and you act accordingly. He sees his role as an advisor (to BOS) and willing to give frank opinions. He’d deal with long term goals as part of a bigger team. He cited his membership in United Steelworkers (engineers’ branch) where he was legislative chair, as experience in labor negotiations and said the issues and principals are the same for union and non-union employees. He listed connections with state legislators and regional planning. He described a Route 140 public meeting where he was able to reach a consensus despite initial contention. Stan asked a list of questions relating to budget development and related warrant articles at annual town meeting; bond counsel; open meeting law and ethics complaints.

3 PM  After the interview, the board turned to routine business and voted all in favor to allow Girl Scouts to place signs on the town common for a can drive. Bob R. will ask town counsel about running BOS and PBMLP as a joint meeting, as a smoother way to operate rather that re-convening.
        Selectmen decided to post an executive session at their June 8 meeting to start considering a T.A. contract. It was noted that John Kowaleski has developed four business plan models for the broadband initiative on June 8.

3:15 PM  Nina Nazarian came in, was asked most of the same questions, and described how she interacts with selectmen every day in her current position. She noted that Tyngsboro employees are in a number of unions—Princeton only has the Police Union. She cited broadband as a top project and a community’s biggest source of friction is that between school costs and spending for town services, and noted that the solution was complete transparency—effective communication. She related a recent, problematic situation concerning an historic barn and a citizens petition to dismantle it. She described the time frame and building blocks for development of budgets and warrant articles in the four months leading up to annual town meeting.

4:15 PM The Board discussed the qualifications of both candidates, concluding that either would be capable of ably serving as T.A. Each candidate considered Princeton as a final career and not a springboard. They considered pros and cons of the T.A. being a town resident. Stan asked who would train Mickey if he were chosen. Jon F. said he needed time to consider everything that was presented and the board agreed to vote at their next meeting on June 8.

5:10 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: Request from Girl Scouts; resume and reference materials for two T.A. candidates.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department