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June 1, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – June 1, 2015  -- 6 PM
6 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Jon Fudeman and interim T.A. Robert Reed
New Business
Request for appointment of Rick Gardiner to Open Space Committee was postponed until a resignation is received from Phil Grzyb, Board voted all in favor to appoint Ann Neuburg as recommended by Planning Board to serve as alternate, for current term until June 30. Will need to re-appoint for FY’16 after July 1.
        Board voted all in favor to set 2 PM on June 3 as date, as posted, for final round of TA interviews
Old Business
Discussed Facilities Planning Committee and voted all in favor to appoint members for a term through June 30, 2016:  Joyce Anderson; Lisa Drexhage; Christopher Conway; Beth Mellor; Phil Mighdol; Stephen Mirick and Sue Shanahan. The board prioritized a list of goals to create a “charge” for the committee. They discussed issues such as Bagg Hall and leaking around the chimneyStep one is to assess any emergency management such as water infiltration and create short-term goals to address these issues. Step two is to consider the work already done by HKT. Step three would be to assess space needs of town departments (first) and then space needs for community groups—and make recommendations. Step four is to craft a transition plan for space needs if one building becomes unavailable, such as during repairs or rehab. Step five is to develop: surveys; findings; analysis; options and recommendations.
        Bob R. suggested considering costs as part of each goal or step, and also considering public safety facilities. Stan will synthesize all input into a concise summary for the new committee.
        Regarding capital items, Bob R. had a report from Fire Chief Bennett about rehabbing and metal roof replacement for the fire barns. The library furnace is undergoing repair.
        The board voted all in favor to ignore a request from a Coalition for Responsible Retailing concerning supporting legislation to control availability of tobacco products to minors.

7 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to convene joint meeting of BOS and PBMLP. Stan and Jon had met with the Mass. Broadband Initiative (MBI) and they could have a grant application ready by the end of June, at $920,000 for construction and make-ready of the utility poles. Stan reports that the Broadband Cmte. is trading info with potential vendors. Almost all poles are jointly owned by Verizon and PMLD. For the grant, the owners must do the work to get poles ready for fiber-optic lines, which could take 8-9 months. Total cost for make-ready estimated at $1.2 million and includes non-construction components for legal and technical help. Stan had developed a breakdown of line items illustrating costs and distributed a hand-out. Verizon needs to be paid for assessment and upgrade of poles and could take 12 months. The board discussed seeking special legislation to exempt Princeton from rules in Chapter 44 sect. 8 in which towns may incur debt for certain reasons, outside the limit of indebtedness prescribed by state law.
        Jon F. proposes a Business & Financial Advisory Committee for the Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant, and sees this effort as a small business start-up which requires a business plan and financing. Stan suggests asking the Advisory Board to do that job—analyze risk etc., instead of creating another committee. Mark Bouvier, sales director for potential vendor Axia Fiber Optic, was in with several company representatives. Jon F. made a phone date with him for tomorrow to answer some technical and financial questions. He explained that Selectmen have a fiduciary responsibility and wants to get the Advisory Board involved ASAP and pitch in to craft a business plan. Stan said a business plan is vendor-dependent since they all have different offers on the table. He stressed that the process of borrowing the money is completely different from the process of spending the money. Jon pointed out that there’s no need to act immediately to spend any money and that the individuals from all involved committees can write a business plan. John Kowaleski from the Broadband Committee pointed out that Matrix had a business plan but they owned it and his committee worked with Matrix using a spreadsheet.. Stan noted that the Broadband MLP will not be owning or managing anything, so it is not “the business.” He referred to “standards of value” that may be calculated numerous ways, for services paid for by either an increase in tax bills or service charges to subscribers, asking “what’s the best deal at the taxpayer level or the best deal for subscribers?”
        Jon F. brought up possibility of different bond products and using a revenue bond which is most common nationwide. Stan asked for a “straw vote” to approve borrowing $200,000 and Jon and Edith said “not ready” to do so immediately. It was noted that make-ready work usually comes first before a vendor steps up. Jon and Edith reported that citizens are concerned about the risk of such a big project and ask that BOS goes slow. Jon pointed out that the original charge of the Broadband Committee was to get business and finance people involved and treat the project as a business. Stan countered that he hears citizens anxious to get the project started ASAP.
        The group voted all in favor to meet with the Advisory Board next Monday as a working session and to continue these sessions on alternate Mondays for as long as necessary. The June 8, 6 PM meeting will be posted for BOS, PBMLP and Advisory Board.

Minutes and Warrants
8:50 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for May 12; May 18; May 21.
They also reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #24

Executive Session
9 PM Selectmen then went into executive session. Stan M. made a motion: “I move to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), to discuss disposition of real property and pending litigation and not to reconvene into open session” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Jon voted “Aye,” Edith voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that “the Board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to disposition of real property and pending litigation since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town.”

9:36 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: Requests from Ann neuburg and Rick Gardner; Facilities Planning Committee list; Coalition for Responsible Retailing letter;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department