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May 18, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – May 18, 2015  -- 6 PM
6 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Jon Fudeman and interim T.A. Robert Reed.,
        Edith M. reported on the T.A. Screening Committee, which met this Thursday, Friday and Monday to select finalists. Three will  be interviewed by BOS from nine applicants selected by the Collins Center.       Finalists are: Heather Budrewicz of South Hadley, who is T.A. in the Town of Southhampton; Nina Nazarian of Fitchburg, who is Asst, T.A. in the Town of Tyngsborough; and, Mickey Splaine of Princeton, who is Asst. bridge engineer for MassDOT. Board discussed meeting on Thursday and allowing 60 – 90 minutes on each candidate. Will post meeting for 1:30 PM for two interviews and 6 PM for third interview. Jim Dunbar will forward resumes to BOS.  A second follow-up meeting on Tuesday may be needed and would post no later than Friday.
        Also at Thursday meeting, selectmen will continue to address Facilities Committee – designate members and discuss/explain their  “charge.”
        Selectmen discussed capital items:  Library furnace; fire station roof. Jane Weissman of Library Trustees had forwarded report on the boiler and heating system—they want to get estimates and/or bids for repair/replace. May be a maintenance item, and may need study of overall heating system. Trustees offer to pay for an evaluation. Also, Fire Station in East Princeton needs new roof, it’s 28 years old. Also gable and fascia and rake board and siding need work. Bob R. will discuss with fire chief. Town Building Maintenance Fund should cover it, a previous estimate pegged roof (only) replacement at $40-45,000. Board discussed Bagg Hall and water infiltration around fascia or under eaves on east side; may need slate roof expert. General feeling was to wait for Facilities Planning Committee, as its members should include construction/building experts.
        Board voted all in favor to re-open applications to Fac. Pl. Cmte. until Thursday at noon, so selectmen can choose that group during a posted meeting between interviews. Edith had proposed a “charge” for the FPC based on the steps suggested by HKT Architects. Steve Mirick had drafted a broader charge. Selectmen discussed specifics in the HKT report and considered giving the committee a broad charge. They considered letting the committee read through the HKT report and maybe blend the two existing charges.

Other Business
Board was asked to consider refund for overpayment of building permit at Mountainside Mkt. and they voted all in favor to reduce the permit fee from $739 to $78 and refund the difference to Kyle Zelley.
        Stan gave a broadband update, and conditions for going forward. A message from bond counsel specified that the town have no agreements with other parties when notes/bonds are issued, and that after bonds are issued, that the project is operated by an MLP. The bond, at $1.2 million, is paid over 12 years. They discussed possibility of releasing funds for ‘make-ready’ work at the BOS meeting on June 1. Some comments made about how the town cannot afford any more “screw-ups” and the initial funding being used on a “bridge to nowhere.”
7:40 PM  BOS received a resignation letter from Ken Whitney on the Highway Dept. and noted that an internal job posting has been issued.
        Stan announced that T.P. School presents a STEAM Expo on Thursday, but BOS is tied up in interviews. Also, announcements were received from Monty Tech inviting BOS to May 27 graduation ceremonies and May 26 Senior Awards.
7:50 PM  Holden had forwarded the Princeton assessment for Regional Dispatch Service for Dec. 1, 2014 through June 30 2015 that totaled $42,176.
        Board voted all in favor to transfer $15,000 from Dispatch Salary Account to Police Union Salary Acct., They signed transfer form and Bob will get Advisory Bd. to sign as well.

Minutes and Warrants
-Approve regular meeting minutes for May 11; Approve but not release executive session minutes from May 11. Review and approve vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #23

Some discussion on use of Mechanics Hall by private groups, as Friends of the Library were in the building in April and their presence was noted by a spike in the electric bill—almost $60—for that month. Issue is around insurance, the antique electric service, the maintenance staff unaware of anyone using building or who has keys. Bob R. will investigate building’s use and potential risks.

8 PM  Bob reported on WRSD Lease Agreement and noted that floor tile repair at T.P. School cannot be done this summer, but maybe in a future vacation period. The district is willing to revise the lease so that the first $50k is a deductible that WRSD will pay.

8:10 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: List of T.A. candidates; Edith’s & Steve Mirick’s proposed “charge” for the FPC; invitations from Monty Tech; account transfer form.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department