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May 12, 2015 at ATM
                    Town of Princeton, Mass – May 12, 2014 – 6:30 PM
                        Minutes – Board of Selectmen

6:30 PM   The meeting was called to order at the cafeteria of the Thomas Prince School prior to the annual town meeting.  Present were Ms. Edith Morgan, Mr. Stan Moss, Mr. Jon Fudeman and Interim Town Administrator Robert Reed.
Mr. Moss stated that the Board needed to reorganize after the previous day’s town election at which Mr. Fudeman was elected to the Board of Selectmen.  
Mr. Moss moved that Ms. Edith Morgan be appointed as Chair of the Board of Selectmen; Mr. Fudeman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Moss moved that Mr. Fudeman be appointed as Clerk of the Board of Selectmen; Ms. Morgan seconded and the vote was unanimous.
The Board then discussed responsibility for making the motions at town meeting.  It was decided than Ms. Morgan would make the motion on Article 1, that Mr. Fudeman would make the motion on Article 2, that Mr. Moss would make the motion on Article 3 and that order would continue through the warrant.
Mr. Moss moved to adjourn, Mr. Fudeman seconded, the vote was unanimous.  The time was 6:48 PM

Respectfully submitted:
Robert T. Reed
BOS referenced documents:  Town of Princeton 2015 Annual Meeting warrant and motions

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department