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May 11, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – May 11, 2015  -- 10 AM
10 AM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and interim T.A. Robert Reed.,
        An “Award of Excellence” certificate was signed by Chairman Neil S. for a Girl Scouts Gold Award going to Maya Sylvia, 68 Sterling Road.
        A request had been received regarding signs for Prince of Peace church fair on June 7 (rain date June 14) to be placed at several corners around town starting May 17. Board agreed to have Town Administrator deal with approving the request.
10:05 AM Selectmen considered results of April 30 bid opening for Hwy. Dept. road paving. They voted all in favor to accept the lowest bid for $49,506.00 from Lazzaro Pavement.
        The board voted all in favor to sell cemetery lot 51-C in North Cemetery for $400 to the Fitzgeralds of 60 Houghton Rd.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the chairman to sign an amendment to the agreement with GRI, the engineering consultant on the Route 140 construction project.

Old Business
The board went over the motions for the Annual Town Meeting Warrant & FY’16 budget. A change will be made on town meeting floor to the figure in Article 3 for the WRSD assessment, as it is almost $40,000 lower than originally reported. The board voted all in favor on the change in the motion.
        Edith M. reported on the T.A. Screening Committee, with she serving as chair, as no one else stepped up, and Jim Dunbar as recording secretary. They will meet this Thursday, Friday and Monday to select finalists who will then be interviewed by BOS.

Other Business
Stan M. provided a broadband update, reading a letter he drafted to bond counsel from the PBMLP to dissolve the ‘memorandum of understanding’ with Matrix Design and a second letter from the BOS to authorize borrowing. Selectmen, as MOP, signed the first letter, Stan needed to print the second one which they may sign later. He noted that three vendors are vying for the opportunity to partner with th town for fiber-optic installation with the understanding that the town would own it (real property) after completion. Each vendor has different offerings and may or may not pay for the various elements. The Broadband Committee is willing to wait in order to get all proposals/options in writing. Neil pointed out that the MOU was important from the beginning since the whole process was a learning curve. He commended the Broadband Committee for consistent, thoughtful service and taking time and refusing to rush into their first option with Matrix.
Regarding formation of the Facilities Committee, only Stan M. had forwarded a list of the volunteers he preferred. Edith M. suggested tabling the item to the next meeting on May 18 to choose members for the committee and spell out what the committee’s charge is to be.
11 AM  Neil S. reported a complaint from Catherine Houck who now owns Mountainside Market, as a building permit for work valued at $5,325 was charged a permit fee of $739, as a commercial use which uses a higher fee formula than a residential permit. The board wanted to  investigate why the fee was so high for such a minor job. They want to reduce the fee but identify a reason to justify it. Marie will research area communities to verify fees for various permits.
        Stan M. reported on teenagers in his neighbor riding dirt (motorcross) bikes and the incessant drone especially on weekends, when it can last all day. Board wants to research for existence of any town bylaw concerning noise nuisance, get neighbors to communicate with perpetrators—which Stan believed had already been done to no avail—and then have neighbors put complaint in writing and submit to BOS.
        It was reported that an illuminated sign for the Police Dept. will be installed at the base of driveway and/or corner of Route 62/Route 31/Boylston Ave.


Public Comment

Minutes and Warrants
Board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for April 27; Vendor and payroll warrants FY15 #22 were signed last week.

Executive Session
11:35 AM  Stan M. moved that selectmen enter into executive session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30A, Section 21(3), for the disposition of real property --  WRSD Lease Agreement – and not to reconvene in regular session. Edith M. seconded the motion. In a roll call they each voted in favor: Edith, Neil and Stan saying “aye.”.

12 noon  Adjourn

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: ATM Warrant motions and FY’16 budget summary documents; “Award of Excellence” certificate; Prince of Peace church fair letter; results of April 30 bid opening for Hwy. Dept. road paving; deed for cemetery lot 51-C; amendment to the agreement with GRI; letter to bond counsel from the PBMLP to dissolve the ‘memorandum of understanding’ with Matrix Design.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department