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March 23, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 23, 2015  
6 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, and interim T.A. Robert Reed. Chairman Neil Sulmasy was absent, Advisory Board members present were Bill Naughton, Jim O’Coin, George Handy, David Cruse and John Shipman.

Selectmen addressed the police chief contract renewal document. The two voted all in favor to sign the contract as presented for Chief Michele Powers for the period ending June 20, 2019.

New Business
Representatives from Monty Tech came in for their FY’16 budget presentation. Present were Supt. Sheila Harrity; Bus. Mgr. Tammi Crockett and Princeton’s school committee member John Molica. They reported on national-level awards the school had won and noted its 98.2 percent graduation rate. Ms. Crockett distributed a PowerPoint printout that outlined the FY’16 Foundation budget. The Foundation total is $22,705,864 for FY’16 and Princeton represents 1.96 percent of that. Per-pupil spending is $15,280 annually which puts Monty Tech at third-lowest in the state among vocational-technical schools, which spend a smaller percentage on salaries than academic school systems. Princeton has 21 students enrolled this year and is assessed at $15,280 for each of them. Ms. Crockett went into detail about the many factors involved in how the state DOR determines each community’s assessment for regional schools, and how their plan is taking years to implement--as well as how transportation costs are factored.. She also explained the school’s stabilization fund, the E&D fund and the OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits) trust fund which is just getting started. Stan M. reported that Princeton is in its fifth year of funding OPEB. The group discussed student numbers in the WRSD and noted that there were discrepencies in counts.
7:05 PM  Fire Chief John Bennett gave his Dept. FY’16 budget presentation with a spreadsheet noting certain increases due to the new regional dispatch and related technical upgrades he discussed disaster preparedness and emergency plan requirements which are underway. There was a report on fire ponds and costs for permitting their construction. He also discussed defibrillators that need replacing especially two which are about 12 years old that are a top priority. The F.D. is seeking grant funding. Stan M. noted that his board would take the F.D. budget under advisement.

7:30 PM  The board considered a 2-page Facilities Study report from HKT Architects, and Edith proposed forming a committee and a questionnaire to ask citizens, “What is the actual need at Bagg Hall and at Princeton Center?” Princeton Center building has had major problems and cannot currently meet some state codes. It was suggested that each building must be addressed one at a time. Stan asked that “scope of work” items numbered 1 – 4 on the report be posted on the town website to help solicit committee volunteers. Edith asked about tenants who currently lease space in the P.C., and Jon Fudeman, who serves on the Princeton Center Management Committee, was present and he reported that leases have not been renewed in years.

Old Business
-- The board continued its plan for hiring a town administrator. Edie said the selectmen met with Collins Center representatives and are waiting for a profile from them.
-- They tabled discussion on Conservation Commission membership.
-- They noted that there was no news from the broadband initiative.
-- The “Appreciation” event for John Lebeaux is scheduled for Saturday, March 28 from 2 – 4 PM at Harrington Farm.

Selectmen voted all in favor to approve a request from the Tyler Foundation for a bicycle fund-raiser tour through town on Aug. 22 -23, subject to approvals from the F.D. and P.D.
-- The board voted all in favor to accept a resignation from Phyllis Fife who is stepping down from the Agricultural Commission as of March 10, 2015.
-- They also voted all in favor to extend the 3-year term of Rosemary Fudeman, who serves as Republican Party representative on the Board of Registrars. The term is April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2018.
-- Selectmen asked about hours increasing for the regional animal control officer and staff will follow up.
-- They also want the Planning Board to come in to their next meeting on April 6 to explain the zoning articles and Jon F., who is P.B. chairman, agreed.
-- The board focused on the warrant articles and Stan asked if number 16 and 28 were the same thing. Also, they need to scrap the F.D. line item request for fire pond funding.
-- It was reported that $52,000 is coming from the state to help cover costs of winter damage on town roads.

Public Comment

Minutes and Warrants
Selectmen voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for March 9
They reviewed and signed vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #19

8:25 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: Police chief contract; FY’16 budget summary for Fire Dept. and Monty Tech; Facilities Study report from HKT Architects; request from the Tyler Foundation; resignation from Phyllis Fife; Board of Registrars re-appointment request; ATM warrant articles draft.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department