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Dec. 29, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – Dec. 29, 2014  --
6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business
John L. explained about disposal of town property and that town must create procedure for anything valued under $10,000. At $10,000 and up it comes under state statute. The Highway Dept. is looking at a 2002 Mack truck that’s for sale, to convert to plowing, and the owner is interested in two fire trucks and a Hwy. Dept. truck. Trading would be best route.
The board voted all in favor to amend its ‘Disposal of Surplus Supplies & Obsolete Equipment’ policy to allow the disposal of surplus supplies or obsolete equipment valued greater than $1,000 and up to $10,000 via trade-in with Board of Selectmen approval. They then voted all in favor to declare the following trucks as surplus property and allow for their disposal by trade-in: a 1972 Ford Fire Truck, a 1972 Hahn Fire Truck and a 1993 Freightliner Highway truck.
Selectmen voted all in favor to sign Retail Package Goods (ABCC) License for Mountainside Market’s owners, Cork & Winsor, Ltd. and to release it after receipt of written approval from state ABCC.
Selectmen considered a cemetery lot buyback of four lots from the Cochran family - Lot 3E2 Woodlawn Cemetery, 1956 Addition Left. The town refunds the $400 purchase price out of a Cemetery Lot Sale Account. Selectmen voted all in favor to approve the buyback.
The board voted all in favor to approve an Automobile Dealers Sale of Class 2 Motor Vehicles License for the TownLine Garage.

6:15 PM  Board discussed Town Administrator transition. John L. noted he’s not sure about what will be his exact last day and recommended the board secure an interim TA as soon as possible. He suggested the board do the search/hire for an interim themselves, after describing a variety of options. State law has changed such that only a search committee (with no BOS quorum on it) can interview initial candidates in executive session—not the whole BOS as previously. John hasn’t officially notified Town Clerk about resigning since he hasn’t yet been officially notified by the (new) governor’s office--Baker starts Jan. 8.
John suggested that BOS hire a permanent TA through a consultant such as Collins Center at UMass Boston, which was used in the past and costs little as a state agency, and to appoint the TA after town elections in May in case there is a new lineup on the BOS.  The most likely candidates for interim are retired TAs, who cannot work more than 960 hours/year or about 24 weeks fulltime.
Selectmen voted all in favor to take action as necessary to secure an interim TA as soon as possible and to act independently to hire the interim position and direct John to post the position tomorrow with Mass. Municipal Association and other professional media. Qualifications to list include experience with town budgets; town meetings; municipal light plants; facilities analysis; employment contracts; hiring an administrator and negotiating. Deadline for receiving applications is Jan. 9.
Selectmen voted all in favor to have the TA communicate with Collins Center and determine what is best procedure for hiring the permanent TA. Stan M. suggested that a screening committee could be composed of former selectmen; Advisory Board; Personnel Board and possibly town staff person. Stan also listed some of John’s accomplishments/contributions including the Green Repair project; high bond rating for such a small town; hiring a new treasurer/collector and fire chief; regional ACO and public safety dispatch; regional Health Network; broadband; post-retirement contributions and getting a Facilities Study started. Edie noted the “open door” and a welcoming atmosphere in Town Hall. John lauded the importance of political stability and a strong BOS.

Old Business
7:10 PM  The board had received a proposal of $22,000 from HKT Associates for the Public Facilities Study and voted all in favor to authorize the chairman to sign the agreement.
        Stan M. asked that a ‘thank you’ be sent to the Mountain Barn for the impressive buffet at the Christmas Party.
Other Business
The board discussed posting an MLP meeting in the coming weeks and decided not to spend funds on consultants to review the Matrix contract. Discussion ensued about cost estimates for legal services and other ‘make-ready’ tasks and the Town of Leverett may be contacted as they are further along in a similar process.. Stan will check first with town treasurer about anticipated costs and how to deal with them.

Minutes and Warrants
Board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Dec. 15.
They reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #13 and invoked “rule of necessity” to approve the BOS annual stipend on the payroll warrant.

7:45 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:   Documents from HKT for Facilities Study proposal and contract; cemetery deed; liquor license; auto dealer license.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department