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Oct. 6, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass. -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Oct. 6, 2014
6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.
New Business
Selectmen voted all in favor to sign the State Election Warrant for the Nov. 4, 2014 election.
        John L. explained the makeup and mission of the Wachusett Mountain Advisory, reporting that Princeton representative Bill Eicholzer has become chairman since Tom Sullivan retired from that post after 25 years. This made it necessary to name another representative for Princeton, and the current alternate, Betsy Burbank, was suggested. The board voted all in favor to designate to the Department of Conservation and Recreation Betsy Burbank, 67 Westminster Rd. as Princeton's Wachusett Mountain Advisory Council representative. The board then considered a request from Planning Board Chairman Jon Fudeman and Rud Mason to appoint Mr. Mason as Pl. Bd. alternate member—he has been attending PB meetings. The board voted all in favor to appoint Russell (Rud) Mason, 6 Merriam Road, to the position of Planning Board Alternate Member for a term to expire June 30, 2015.
        6:15 PM  Selectmen reviewed correspondence regarding a dog barking complaints including letters from neighbors of the Connor residence at 23 Worcester Road. They received a report from ACO Laura Pease and police log entries listing these and other complaints. They voted all in favor to set a dog hearing for Oct. 20 at 6:30 PM. and John L. will notify all parties involved.
Other Business
Kelton Burbank for Parks & Rec Cmte. and Open Space Cmte., along with Deb Cary for Open Space Cmte. came in to apprise selectmen about TAP, or Trail Around Princeton, with a wall-map showing the proposal. They have targeted key locations of interest which serve as trailheads in a large loop around town. These include Gates Road Four Corners; Wachusett Mtn. summit; Leominster State Forest; Krashes Field; TP School; Red Fox Farm and Boylston Park. Kelton described a multi-use, non-motorized trail to accommodate foot traffic, horses and mountain biking. They would try to negotiate a through-route with MassAudubon, such as the Midstate Trail has over Audubon land, where currently, pedestrians-only are allowed. He outlined how volunteers would be building and maintaining it and Ms. Cary noted that everyone hearing about expresses interest in getting involved. Stan M. pointed out that DCR offers grant funds for trails that provide 75 percent with the remaining 25 percent in-kind possible as work-off.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to endorse the TAP project and requested that they be updated as the plan progressed. Mr. Burbank said it would be a regular item in the Open Space Cmte. minutes.
        6:50 PM  Stan M. reported on Broadband progress, noting that he and John L. will meet Thursday with Chris Lynch from Matrix Design Associates to discuss the MOU [memorandum of understanding]. If successful, a meeting of Municipal Light Plant (MLP) board—which is the BOS-- will be posted for the Oct. 20 BOS meeting.
        John L. reported that the regional dispatch is expected to be online and working by Jan. 1.
MMA sent notice that Mass. Selectmen’s Association Fall Conference is in Franklin on Oct. 25
Minutes and Warrants
Selectmen voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Sept. 22
Selectmen reviewed and signed vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #7  

 7:55 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

Referenced Documents:   State Election Warrant; WMAC operational outline; MAA invitation; correspondence regarding Rud Mason; report from ACO and complaint letters and police log; TAP map

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department